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Everything posted by supraspeed

  1. Looking at different cars and came across this one. anybody on ere own it or know about it? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=200348125955&Category=18290&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DI%26otn%3D2 if this is a re-post then somebody direct me to it
  2. 19-09-08, 16:46 ..... when this post ended last year.. and i started it originally !!!
  3. i think that would make an excellent project. 6 speed ready to be converted into a monster
  4. there is a guide somewhere about lambo door kits and what to do if car is overturned. i'l try and find it but the main advice was to just smash the window and climb outta that.... i'm sure that was a well thought out means of escape lol
  5. I like lambo doors (i thought gullwing doors came from the roof parts like the De Lorean ???) each to their own, if you like them, get them.
  6. My mate took me out in his T51 R supra about 3 years ago on a local airfield and had done nothing to the aerodynamics. Got to about 160mph and the car was swaying like a boat and i dont think ive been more scared in a car my entire life. its like that rx7 on youtube trying to break the 200mph mark and gets caught by the wind and flips it 2 or 3 times in the air before destroying the car within seconds. lucky the guy had a rollcage but makes you think how much more you need to think about before gunning the top end.
  7. phoned them up today and still said i had to wait until there system updated its self. gettin bit annoyed now, sureley a monthly quote updating system is not going to make much of a difference from the last. wonder what they send through as a renewal
  8. Now my g/f has decided it would be in my interest to join the TA in my spare time... 1 weekend in 2 training for 6 months and getting paid 9k for it a year.... might be able to go single as well lol
  9. Ok me and my girlfriend are getting a house and basically we have a chain finally completed (only 5 houses in chain) but because of the holiday season etc the estate agents have now basically said we wont be able to move in, realistically until sept at the earliest. This has some good and bad points. Bad point is that me and my missus will still have to be apart for longer. Good point (only seen in my eyes ) is that i wasn't allowed to buy another car until the house was bought. BUT, now its gonna take so long to move in ive been given permission to get one now! Also gives me some time to use the few months for a few mods (BPU *cough* )as well as furniture etc Gonna try and track down a nice auto TT me thinks. Ive budgeted 5k but now i might be able to stretch to the 6k mark so now becomes the fun part of finding one
  10. No, thats why i'm asking lol ok now i see.... i might have to print a copy of the modes when on test drives
  11. just outta interest whats the point of 1st and 2nd gear only? surley that would cane petrol or something and is that up to a certain mph?
  12. Ok i'm looking at a few auto TT's but ive never driven an auto before. i obviously read many threads about how great they are and they generally sound a safe bet. Ive been reading the manu/manual mode/s etc on the other pages and all the auto options scare the hell outta me lol. i dont think i would want to touch them just in case i'd break the car lol. Like one option says it selects 2nd and 3rd only??? i mean is this something to drive all day in cos sticking a car in second gear to pull away in doesn't sound right to me. again all these different selections seem really weird (as ive never driven and auto car before) and just wondered how it all works on normal driving? i know it all prob seems a bunch of stupid questions but i generally dont know how i would drive an auto supe (stick selectons obviously) i just dont wanna test drive one and break it.
  13. i think it looks nice on that car
  14. well i never declared it because nobody else was involved except me and a tree.... except the person who forced me off the road obviously.
  15. No i paid for it myself. insurance wasn't involved. (my dad stupidly put it on his work policy with TPTF only) so i was pretty screwed. no excuse for that quote though
  16. they are closed til tues i think. most places are. getting really annoyed cos i just dont understand some companies. sky have been great so far but now it seems like a right piss take
  17. OK, so i'm up for renewal quote using sky, on my (now sold) single supe (£1200 fc inc mods 2 yrs no claims bonus) and i went in last month for a quote for straight swap my car with an auto tt with few mods. they said would make no difference if i swapped it over. unfortunatly i didn't sell my car till last week so never got the tt, but my policy ends in next few weeks so SKY said it would be fine to just let it run out so i could get my 3yrs n c bonus, they get my last instalment, everyone wins. Now i phoned up today and just wanted to know if that quote still stood and how much of a DISCOUNT i would get after 3yrs no claims, on a TT. First the women says " we dont insure under 25's on these cars" (i'm 23) So straight away she's lying, so i correct her and also mention that SKY is the leading insurer on the supra site and loads of under 25's are insured. Next she goes through more details about my policy.....which she already has on the database anyway . She talks to the underwriters and comes back saying mu quote would be £2400 !!!! Of course i'm rather amazed at this and ask her why the hell would it go up £1200 when i'm, 1- already a existing customer (with discount) 2- have got another years no claims WITH THEM on a Single supe with a much lower premium. 3- A proved record of fast cars under other insurers (allowing discount as well) She said something about the monthly renewal quotes hadn't come through and to wait til next week to phone back! like thats gonna change anything i said to her and she bascially told me thats their best quote!!! i got quoted the same amount on my current policy with 2 years no claims two months ago on the same fu**ing car! Told her something aint right and now fuming at sky! VERY ANGRY!!! rant over
  18. just seen a few pistonheads and ebay cars in the past claiming over 1.2 bar boost, usually without supporting mods, then saying its 500bhp at 1.4 bar with a "zorst" and halfords air filter
  19. so why do people sometimes run more than say 1.2 on a jspec if it only produces more heat and no more power or faster spool? seems a bit pointless??
  20. is there a great deal power/spool etc more by raising them to 1.3 rather 1.2 or is it just the idea it will make a huge difference? just if its regarded as a bit unsafe there must be a worthy reason.
  21. ok cheers. i was under the impression only uk cars had active spoilers, i learn something new every day
  22. cheers, now to find someone who knows what to look for. just a quick question, did they do tt auto's with the active spoiler only in the UK as i thought tt auto's were all jspec? just someone has advertised a tt auto with front active spoiler and wondered if its a uk spec and they havent mentioned it.
  23. yeah i thought of just turning the boost down but i would never know how much damage has been done to the turbos unless taken off and inspected....which is prob not what this guy has in mind of a potential buyer doing. its about an hour 1/2 from me so not to the end of the earth to get to. more questions to ask i think. see if i can swing it to my advantage...
  24. mmm, really nice car as well but seems strange that someone who has quite a few bpu mods is running such an un neccesarry high boost. i must admit that this person didn't seem that sure about some of my quite basic questions so prob best to walk away and let the engine detonate into a thousand pieces from bits of turbo instead
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