I have one!
About 7 or 8 years ago, when I used to work for Logica installing mobile phone stuff, I was assigned a 10 day job in Zambia. Myself and the project manager flew business class from Heathrow but we had to change planes in Johannesburg.
So, I was sitting the in the business class lounge in Jo'burg feeling quite addled from my 12 hour flight and a girl comes up to me and says 'James?' and I look up and it's my cousin Vanessa who I had not seen for 6 years when she was over in the UK. It turns out this was her first day working at the airport!
So, the ONLY time that I'd flown anywhere near africa I happen to bump into my cousin, who has just started working at the airport, in the exact place I was waiting for the 60 minute layover. I still think that's amazing to this day.