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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by ultra_supra

  1. ahh thanks gav, any info would be greatly appreciated, my dad has the use of his legs altho does use a wheelchair if going out for an hour or more, he can only drive automatics but can manage all other operations ,its mainly his grip as he can't do things like clench his fist etc
  2. hi all, My dad who is registered disabled is on the hunt for a new car and is on the mobility scheme however he is VERY limited as to what he can get, mainly due to things that most drivers may find trivial such as the door handles as he struggles to open many due to problems with his hands/grip...we've looked at about 20 different cars & he can only open about 3 :s now apart from actually gaining entrance to a car the next problem is starting it as he finds it difficult to get the key in the ignition barrell & turn it...which leads me onto my next question, does anyone know of any companies that specialise in this kind of thing? i suggested just going to a 'normal' car alarm company & see if they can fit somekind of push button start etc but not sure if its sumthing they can do without fitting the whole package (which he wouldn't want)
  3. not sure if its of any use to anyone on here but heres the link in case theres any interest! : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130209091576
  4. its this one in the link dude: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/martprd/store/pcw_page.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1992283560.1206111680@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccehadedjdjlhelcflgceggdhhmdgml.0&page=Product&sku=533727 just checked the space available & it says 'current profile data size - 1465MB' 'available space - 303175MB'
  5. i've come across another problem today, the HD should hold around 80,000 MP3's however i've not even put a quatre of my music on it yet & it says its full my itunes files are 'MPEG-4' though so are these that much bigger than MP3 files?! i wouldn't have thought they would be but maybe sumone else knows better? also could it be because i'm making a zipped folder for each artist it could be taking up that much more space??
  6. yeh - alot of my music seems to be in different locations :rolleyes:doh. will get there in the end! thanks again for everyones help - its much appreciated
  7. this method has worked...albeit abit of a slow process atleast it is working (thanks fella) i'm still surprised theres not a more simpler method but maybe thats me being optomistic lol
  8. the songs in my music folder moved no with no issues but the ones on my itunes are the ones bein a pain...i'm not selecting them from itunes itself but the folder that they are saved in...
  9. that said..when i manually select an indevidual song it does allow me to add it that way....but i have around 3,000 songs...surely there would be a way to select more than one?!
  10. thanks mate - i've used tank manager to close itunes completely but when i select a folder and try dragging it into the external HD page it won't allow me to add it (just has the black circle with the line through it)
  11. it may have been runnin in the background...altho i didn't physically open it if u know wot i mean lol , is it worth me closing the programme & trying again?
  12. i have itunes on my computer & its causing the system to run as laggy as you like due to all the songs etc so today i baught the WD (Western Digital) 320GB external hard drive with the idea of putting all of my music/itunes onto it freeing up space on the main system...however.. when i transfer the information its only transfering the folders & not the files... for example if i select the 'oasis' folder from the music list on my external HD when i open it - it doesn't contain any of the songs that would be there if it was from the main system.... it may be quite difficult to explain over the internet with out actually seein the problem but does anyone know where i may be going wrong? i've checked file location of my itunes songs so make sure i'm transfering from the correct place but even when i transfer all of 'c' drive they still don't transfer.... any help appreciated as i'm not the best when it comes to this kinda stuff to say the least lol
  13. those pads are pretty new mate, the shim kit may be the better option...
  14. ultra_supra

    hey guys

    theres no doubt in my mind mate
  15. CAR SOLD! very and at the moment... The new owner is a new member on this site 'Pazner'. i didn't get exactly what i wanted for it but close enough plus i can tell its gone to a great home especially as its a member on here. i will still be on here a fair bit as i do want to get another supra one day!!! anyway enjoy the car mate & hope to see it again sometime!!!
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=130193689325&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=003
  17. unfortunately very little history apart from 'verbal confirmation ' where the previous owner had told me when things had been changed. parts that have been changed since my ownership are front brake pads ,oil filter & oils changes. i am condifident that the previous owner was being honest but obviously no gurantee so i have reflected that in the price.
  18. have updated with some new pics of interior & engine bay
  19. thanks for the comments guys...yeh it is a big shame i do plan on gettin another one at some point although probably not a good while yet
  20. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/321158.htm £3000 (no offers) to members on here - full 12months MOT
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