Sometimes you just gotta take a chance, and usually property pays. About 5 years ago both my wife and I worked in IT, owned a nice small house. After a family bereavment we decided life was too short and we would look for an alternate lifestyle. We found a large property in west wales, no residential permission but for holiday lets (2x2bed flats and 5 bed cottage in one large barn conversion). We offered, they accepted, we put our house on the market but it took months to sell and the owners of our new property got very nervous. So, we decided to just go for it, put business case together, secured finance, bought the new property without selling ours, then gave up our IT jobs to move down there. Very luckily we sold our house within a few weeks of completing on the new one, but for about a month/6 weeks we owed 120k on our original home (sold for 230k) and owed 120k on our new homes (bought for 250K) and no jobs/income!!! We had 240k debt with no jobs/income, didn't sleep much that month and had no savings left at all.
If the sale had fallen through on our house we could have lost the lot. Fast forward 5 years, we've converted the flats to a cottage, given up on the holidays we were running from them and gained residential permission, bought some land to go with it and are now considering selling current value 400k+ and only 80k mortgage left. Ironically, I'm back working in IT. When I look back I can't believe how stupid we were, but lucky. I also can't believe they lent us the money, very different times!