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Everything posted by Ryan.G

  1. Jay, Romain replied back to me with your below email copied in. In order for me to adjust more to i am waiting for the datalogs from the updated map i sent which actually had the base map values put back in as the cut will not be related to the gearbox control but most likely a boost cut or fuel safety cut of some sort. As i said before this is all in the Calibration so to help you out i have actually done a video explaining how easy it is to adjust the shifting points to be how you want like Stock. This is a far better way of doing it as you know the car better than anyone and as long as you save the calibration before editing its very easy to revert it back. Its Paul and Romain looking to borrow the car btw, we are just aiding costs to ensure every party is happy to learn more about when the lockup is kicking in on a completely stock setup and shifting but as explained above you can actually adjust yourself to suit on the shift schedule in Scal. The Base calibration which was sent was actually for a single turbo where it was adjusted to suit the different torque curve. As i also said before you have my email but have yet to hear anything and still stand by my statement that the issue lies in the calibration not the Product. Ryan
  2. Jason, if it was not compatible with your car how are you driving it now. Since i have posted my original post i have been on the phone with Romain who you surely know is a good friend, and now i have seen the calibration i can see where some of the problems are instantly. Some of these were set correctly in the Base map others not because the Green car calibration was used as a start which didn't have a DBW TB on the other donor car (see below) Romain is new to the auto strategy and while he is an fantastic calibrator if you havnt worked with Auto control maps then it takes a while to get your head around but the main fault lies in that if it was known to not be 100% working correctly that it should not be giving back to you until correct. Our Kits come with Base calibrations which constantly get updated and refined to make the end users job easier BUT its up to the calibrator to refine these to each customers build. This is not a reflash but a full standalone computer where everything can be changed. While i appreciate that Romain has worked hard to get driving to your requirements and not how it was done in the base map for the other clients feedback/requirement. The one big issue is that the other car didn't have DBW to hold a given torque on overrun like stock because it had a huge intake and aftermarket TB so not on your map. I am here trying to help but it seems you already know whats at fault in your mind. Its late here where i am now so signing off but you have my Email if you want my support. If you still feel that its the ecu at fault then suggest you ask for a Refund and try with a piggyback onto the stock ecu (which i have tried and doesnt work properly as Throttle limps) Ryan
  3. Jay, As the person who did the design of the kit for the Supra VVTI Auto i feel I need to comment after many members have directed me to this thread. The Syvec's VVTI Kit has been around for years but only until recently did the S6Plus ecu become available which had the I/O Compliment to run the Vvti fully from one box. After Whifbitz constantly asked me to do a kit for them even though i was extremely busy working on many other Projects i decided to try and help Paul by working on the kit. A test donor car was brought down to Syvecs HQ which wasn't in a running state so i could not drive the car on the Dyno with a stock ecu to see how it ran. I explained to the customer and Whifbitz that this is far from ideal but i had the workshop manual for this box and had lots of happy customers running with the Pre VVTI Gearbox so i had a good base to start from as the boxes are very similar. After a few days testing on the Dyno and the road i felt that the gearbox performed very well but needed the customer to drive to ensure that it worked well like before. The car had just gained over 200hp as well and he was extremely happy. He took it away but due to a Trans cooler fitting issue the box would get hot and shift slowly. This was then fixed by Whiftbitz and the customer brought it down again for me to personally look at. The box would then shift great and i have videos of this from us driving around to show Paul it was fixed. I even have videos of us testing on the Dyno which Paul posted here. You can certainly see its working perfect and shifting very fast for a Slush box in manual mode. Also have videos from driving on the road with the customer. After getting the thumbs up from the Customer and Whifbitz we decided to post the video on You tube and offer to others. Since then i have fitted one to a car in Dubai which the customer was very happy with, making 620whp and i'm told by sales we have sold 2 more kits to Europe. Now this is over 6 months ago and i only heard recently from Paul that they were having issues with a car which found out is yours so i have asked Romain tonight to send me the latest calibration and Logs as what you are describing here is nothing to do with R&D. "So the gearbox currently has a mind of its own, changes gear whenever it wants, doesn't kickdown, manual mode barely works, gearchanges are slow and occasionally pretty violent, the gearbox lockup points are way too high up the rpm range (in first sometimes it doesn't lock up until almost 4k rpm) etc. " These are all calibration issues and I'm sure LeeP will comment and agree as he has fitted lots of Syvecs Auto kits and adjusts these himself now. The only issue which may be something i have missed is that the torque convertor is not locking up in manual mode on overrun but again this can be changed in the calibration. When i receive the logs and map i will send you an update. Please Pop me an Email here - [email protected]. Of course i appreciate you want your car running perfectly and I am sorry to hear otherwise, but blaming a company which has a perfect reputation on this board for poor R&D when you don't fully understand where the problem lies is not fair especially when the company is the leading ecu manufacturer for making kits for some of the most complicated cars in the world especially when no other solutions is available for your car. See why i am so confident to say the above here https://www.facebook.com/Syvecs Ryan
  4. Seq Control has been done by a few, one customer did with GT28 turbos but with the power gains found in the TTC mode (search old thread for reasons) and more predictable torque curve with our UK winter roads. All have agreed it much more suitable when calibrated with a Syvecs. Would need an S6Plus, to do Seq, VVTI and Autobox control
  5. Merry Christmas all! Tried to let all our dealers know with as much notice as possible that I was moving so apologies if my absence has caused issues but the World has some great calibrators for the Syvecs range now (Check out our facebook with all the records and also great review on Google) that it felt the right time for me to go and concentrate on R&D which without wouldn't make the Syvecs what it is today and also in the future with all the stuff I'm working on. While I love calibrating, doing both r&d and then flying round the world weekly mapping was just not healthy and I was finding myself spending less and less time with my wife and little boy. Moving out to dubai gave me the opportunity to have access to all the cars we need for r&d as our team has a very unique set of skills enabling us to decode the networks of computer systems on nearly any car and make a Syvecs Ecu work with it. I also then work for only one client in one location 90% of the time on his cars which need calibrating in return and get access to his full workshop and amazing staff. SRD and Whiftbitz both have plenty of calibrations now and I still help them weekly. Their base calibrations on the system have come to a point now that with all the correct sensors fitted they are already 75% done and just need trimming for different components. They both use a Dyno by them selves now and have a great attention to detail to ensure that the calibration is right. Then Romain who works for Syvecs is taking over most of my freelance jobs and flying around, he is skilled for any task as he uses it daily and works closely with me but the UK espically is lucky that we have great calibrators all over. If you need to contact me just email [email protected] Ryan
  6. The ecu will be on show at Autosport but i am personally testing this ecu very hard, off to an environmental cell soon to see how it handles being ran with outside temps of 50c+ Luckily the wifi unit will mean i dont have to bake! Once it has passed the tests it will be released
  7. Yes it will run it direct on the new ecu, The existing S6 will run them also but needs an Expander module. SRD and Whifbitz sell these kits and have stock Will call in morning mate also
  8. The firmware can be updated by users no problem in the field but we do recommend involving our support team if its the first time you have accessed the ecu, just send them the map and they will update. I have recently tuned alot of supras remotely with the correct sensors and the syvecs it is quite effective Our latest firmware which is soon to be release actually works out HP/Torque from very accurate fuel mass/energy calc which links into the engines pumping losses, friction loses and MBT interventions... with the MBT timing maps being known for most of the setup it has proved to be very accurate in testing, within 2-3% of engine dyno
  9. A Ecu will be released at autosport in January which is placed between the s6 and s8 Lots of hardware updates and software coming also hence why we have not been releasing any firmware stuff recently But will all be backward compatible in software regards
  10. Give me a ring Monday mate as I'm constantly getting told off for educating the comp on the Internet
  11. Just to add to this, it probably would be down to the Syvecs if the box survived for so long as not only does the Syvecs monitor the engine for safety trips it also monitors transmission on some of the beta firmwars i have been testing on customers cars for over a year to make sure we dont break so many boxes as our competitors have and now we can fully control the gearbox with even more safety trips. More on this in Jan at autosport but start looking at the ISF 8 Speed box guys Any competitor could write a strategy for controlling a few outputs to run a auto for example but its having the safety trips present that in the event say excessive slip or transmission temp is seen it limps to protect the box like OEM. Here are some of the trips present of the top of my head that has gained me a few crates of beers each year at christmas when the trip has saved a customers investment. - Lean Lambda - Very Advance system that doesn't get effected from Traction control, rev limits etc - Fuel Pressure- Monitors Fuel pressure against boost pressure and trips if pressure drops by say the vacuum feed popping off the Reg - Fuel Supply Pressure - Monitors pressure before the rail and trips the pump off if the pressure drops rapidly ie a fuel pipe split. - Crank case pressure - Trips engine before too much damage is done internally after a ring has cracked - Temp Trips - Trips for oil, transmission temp, coolant, egt, fuel temps etc - Fuel Composition - Trims and trips for different fuel compositions useful for 95, 99ron and ethanol tuning as 99ron fuel contains ethanol where as 95ron doesn't - Oil Pressure trip - Trips if oil pressure drops below threshold - Clutch slip trip - Monitors input and Output shaft against ratios given to detect slip and trip In fact you can set a trip against anything on the ecu nearly now Merry Christmas All Ryan
  12. Just to update thread was nothing to do with Syvecs Faulty map sensor was cause http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?299285-big-thanks-to-lee-ash-and-the-tea-boy-at-srd&highlight=Syvecs
  13. The [email protected] Email is manned by 4 staff members and is on the Website under http://www.syvecs.co.uk/support/ Pat, Romain, Paul or Myself all look at it. We have yet to See an Email to this address, Nor have i had an update about the Map sensor swap. If the Problem is still present another log would be nice to see, Manual and help video on how to do below http://www.syvecs.com/downloads/Syvecs%20Software%20Basic%20Manual.pdf
  14. Paul Blamire has joined the Syvecs team to do exactly this Job, Take a load of me and offer extremely good mapping. I would class him near the top as in the top 5 of Syvec's Calibrators out there. [email protected] We have just sent him over to Austria and Next over to Florida While i am still around and do calibrating everyday still i am also spending alot of time developing kits and new products. Some of which are going to be dedicated for the Supra which i am working on right now. At some point i will find someone local to me to train but right now i would end up going slower. We also have well over 30 dealers in the UK who can help Ryan
  15. All Sorted thanks to Matt Davies for delivering to SRD today.
  16. No matter if spliced with e-manage etc
  17. Can come collect if anyone is on route from oxford to SRD as that's my route Monday. Let me know cost if have one and email me please [email protected]
  18. Has anyone got a spare fields harness that I could purchase for some Syvecs R&D that I am doing Monday, before Monday Sorry to post in here but will benefit a lot of members with what Syvecs are planning Ryan
  19. Just to confirm on this as imagined a thread would be started. I recommended speaking to Aem UK (dan turned) for recommendation for mapping. One guy who has redeemed himself and impressed me with Aem is also MB Automotive. 07903 358470 I can only apologies but being a director of Syvecs has big asks of me and I need to be seen just supporting our products and also if I don't develop stuff with pat we don't expand. Get ready to see some cracking products in 2013 Ryan
  20. Check the plumbing of the wastegate, boost pipes etc The syvecs won't go back to a base map.
  21. See the basic manual for downloading logs. As long as the journey back from the roundabout was not to far away then the logs will be present Manual here for downloading logs http://www.syvecs.com/forum/download/file.php?id=82&sid=d9b8203842150335bf31c54ac8e1d841
  22. Basic Install..... Syvecs S6GP is £1560 - Purchase from Syvecs Loom adaptor is £175 - Purchase from Syvecs Knock sensor £35 - Purchase from Syvecs Boost solenoid £40 -Purchase from Syvecs 3bar map sensor £70 - Not need for NA-T Mapping £350 -£450 depending on features - NA-T will be £350 which is all done on dyno Includes: Launch control Antitheft Mode Valet Mode Adjustable boost Adjustable maps Safety trips Onboard logging Nitrous setup Etc Extras..... Not necessary Traction control wiring and setup £75 Wideband Lambda sensor for Closed loop lambda £160 Fuel pressure sensor monitoring £60 Oil pressure sensor monitoring £85
  23. £500 is just for the loom and sensors Add another few K for the ecu
  24. Paul, check all the wastegate pipes, if another has split like on dyno then this will be the problem
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