Hi guys and gals, need some advice as i dont have a clue where i stand with a garage i bought a car from last month.
Basically i sold the soop to get a cheaper car to run for a bit so i went for a 53 BMW 320Cd sport. I found one advertised on a local car dealers website and basically ended up getting it.
The dealer said he was selling it on behalf of someone so technically it was a private sale .. apparnetly, which meant i didnt get the 3 months warrenty you do with all other dealers. At the time i thought nothing of this and took out some 2 year silver cover thing for £299 which he claims covers everything except wear and tear.
Anyway, about a couple or so weeks after i got the car the alarm started playing up, and ive been busy with work so only just managed to get the car into bmw today, thinking this daft warrenty i got would cover the alarm (turns out it doesnt). Got a call saying it needed a new boot latch, sorted i though, but nooooo! he says we found other problems with the car and he rambled of a list of parts it needed which came to around £1500!! oh and its all classed as wear and tear soooo that warrenty is a no go.
what i want to know is where do i stand with this dealer i got the car from, the car was advertised on their website, they sold me it, so because it all went through the dealer should i actually be getting some form of warrenty or not? i get the feeling the V5 document was still in the last owners name but the yellow part of the V5, the transfer/sale to a dealer wasnt there.....
Is there no such thing as a "private" sale through the dealer? Is the dealer just trying to fob me off or what?
Obviusly the £1500 of parts i need acording to bmw i could no doubt pick up for a 1/3 of the price but thats still £500 i dont want to have to pay when ive only had the car a month.
Hopefully that made sense
Thanks in advance