Dom is hiding out in the Dominican Republic after having been let go by Brian at the end of FF1. It’s here that he meets Han.
Meanwhile, Brian is in prison in Arizona. But wait, there’s a twist — Brian is undercover for the feds, and after completing his assignment, he’s back out on the streets.
So what’s happened to Letty, Dom’s girlfriend? She’s been trying to keep the crew from going under in his absence. This includes running drugs via their soup up cars for notorious South American drug dealer Antonio Braga, a man no one has ever seen. After one of her runs for Braga, Letty is killed, presumably by Braga enforcer Fenix.
Dom is told about Letty’s death from Mia (his sister) via a phone call. He returns to America to attend her funeral. Brian is also there, and fills him in. Brian tells Dom he’s going after Braga. That makes two of them.