I have to agree with you there CJ. With your... Ummmm. ..Technical abilities.. the iphone is perfect for you. It just works and you dont have to fiddle with it too much.
I have been tempted by the one but havent taken the plunge yet as i really want an S3 but even then, that depends on the build quality (s2 is crap imho) I also think that custom roms are already being released for the one now. The world of android moves very fast!
I jail broke my ipad the other day.... Wanted to see what all the fuss is, and if this is what the apple fanbois rave about then i am glad i am in the android camp!
I also love how people rant about battery life. These things are like pocket pcs now. If you get a smartphone, dont expect great battery life. I would be lucky to get 8 hours out of mine with normal use. I just keep a cable at work and in the car, simple. I laugh at some of the people on xda that crave long batterytimes by switching everything off, just to get more than a day out of it... Daft!
Im rambling now... What was the question?