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Everything posted by creative

  1. creative

    FPV Quads

    Order placed for my next frame! After the stupid price of the Carbon Hornet, I went and had a chat to my mate who I buy all my gear off and he said he had some new frames coming in.... $450 later and I have a full build on the way to me and this one will chew your face off! I have also had my first attempt at proximity flying! ( inbetween trees etc ) and oh my.. what a rush! I was in full on granny mode again, had a few crashes, fortunately only into branches so nothing damaged. I will be doing more of that! as always, turn the sound down as its raw footage. I also jumped on the local football pitch and ripped some batteries through my 180... and I love this thing! its so responsive, power is nuts and airmode makes it so easy to flip and roll. Grabbed some footage again so will get that uploaded later. I may have to get some more baby 1050mah batteries as I pushed one pack in particular to far... only landed as my Taranis was screaming "battery critical" at me, I was just having way to much fun and ended up at 2.8v per cell! ooops! It recovered to 3.2v per cell so I may be able to save it!
  2. Im not a Ferrari man... but that looks amazing in that colour. Good choice.
  3. creative

    FPV Quads

    Endpoints are set with the use of cleanflight so my money will be on them being a bit off. Hows the flying going? Well the carbon hornet is a no go... they have revised the prices and they have gone up and for me to get one its $350aud... waaay to much for just a frame. So the hunt continues!
  4. creative

    FPV Quads

    Have you connected to cleanflight yet? You may need to calibrate the quad as it may not know where level is, this can cause the symptoms you describe. I also recommend updating the Taranis firmware to OpenTX 2.1.8 Have you also set your endpoints to match what the Fc is expecting to see? 1000min, 1500mid, 2000max? Did you use the x8r receiver that came with the Taranis? I have yet to find a quad that will fly straight out of the box. There are way to many variables to ensure consistency so I always recommend going through the setup procedure no matter what. As for me... A great weekend flying! 6 of us on Saturday had a few hours flying and just myself and a mate on Saturday. For my 3rd day flying FPV I feel I have picked it up well and I made my maiden flight with Acro! (unassisted flight so no self levelling). Ran a few packs on my 280 in acro and only crashed once when I was trying to roll and completely lost orientation. Got the FPV cam setup on my 180 now and flew that in Horizon with airmode on and it was sublime! Will be going acro with that next but here is a video direct from my goggles. This is what I was looking at. This is raw video footage so no music or sound so just turn your speakers down. ( im not into video editing at all) Bare in mind this is only my 3rd day in FPV, I switched airmode on after the first flip as I realised it wasnt on and the fpv cam wasnt setup for this light level. I think I am doing ok.
  5. creative

    FPV Quads

    Going to be a good weekend! Flying Saturday and Sunday this week.. keen! I have also decided on my next frame! Had a good tax return from last year and I have been mooching about trying to find something I liked. Toyed with the idea of an Armattan F1-5 acro frame.. and an Alien MotoF3 frame...http://impulserc.com/content/images/thumbs/0000446_motof3-frame-kit-230mm-4x12mm-arms_375.jpeg but I just wasnt sold. I dont like the idea of the battery being slung below the frame because of impact and they are expensive for what they are but I wanted something different to the normal frames I have now..... I then came across a frame I remembered seeing a few months ago as a concept.... hes finally gone into production ( he makes them all himself ) and I am waiting on the second run of frames he is making... This is going to be a no expense spared build. Either Emax RS2205/2300kv motors or DYS SE2205/2300kv motors, KISS FC, KISS 24a esc's, Hs1177 fpv cam, and I havent decided on a vtx yet. Will run on the Tattu 1300mah 4s batteries I already have and will run the 5x40x3 BN props. Keen is an understatement!
  6. creative

    FPV Quads

    not much to report really! had a good weekend flying fpv again and this time moved out of granny mode and got onto horizon mode.... Acro next I think! My mate didnt have as much luck. He was running the new Blheli 14.5 firmware on his esc's and this was the result after desync at a decent height... My 180 is an absolute beast though! very quick and very nimble.. so much so, I have ordered another 2 frames and will be going with slightly more powerful motors on them. I get almost as much fun out of building them than I do flying them! how did you do mav? crashed it yet?
  7. creative

    FPV Quads

    Popped my FPV cherry today..... Aaaand I have found that a 280mm quad scares me more than being behind the wheel of a 500rwhp supercharged V8! What an absolute rush that was! I flew like a granny! Full angle mode and took it real easy!
  8. creative

    FPV Quads

    I give you the tank! Its an Armattan Tilt R. its a 315 quad and is huge! Runs 7inch props and has lifetime warranty on the arms. It is also one of the worst things I have worked on so far! There is nowhere to mount anything despite it being so big. The main baseplate is also the PDB so you cant stick stuff down due to solder pads and its also a stupid shape.... This made mounting the vtx, rx and aerial placement an absolute nightmare. Quick comparison between my 180 , 250 and his 315....
  9. print me some quad stuff! I would love one personally but cant afford one at the mo.
  10. creative

    FPV Quads

    Had my maiden with the 180 this weekend. Flew really well but the batteries were way to heavy! It felt very top heavy. So I have ordered 4x1050mah 4s 45 tattu batteries for it which suit it better. Also been working on a mates quad so will get some pictures up soon.. this thing is a tank! Also looking forward o hearing about mavriks maiden flight!
  11. You have pm. The charger is one of the easiest to use... and I have one. Dont charge at more than 1c on a balance charge (1.3a) simple as that. Dont worry about the discharge etc so leave them as is when setting it up.
  12. creative

    Soo Expensive

    it is..... But Supra prices here are eye watering. N/a's average about $10k and the twins are advertised for upto $40k..... I can have a 500rwhp supercharged V8 for half that!..... So I did..
  13. creative

    FPV Quads

    oh hello... 275g without battery. Still have a cam and vtx to fit, rear led bar and the wiring for the OSD but its ready for its maiden this weekend.
  14. creative

    FPV Quads

    it would be pointless on an Oculus. You dont look around as the cameras are fixed unless you are running a head tracking gimble.... and these are usually used on larger quads where you have time to look around to take the perfect photo. I have HDMI in on my googles ( Fatshark Dominator V3's )so I am able to plug directly into the hdmi output from the pc/laptop and into the goggles to make it even more realistic. Not all goggles have that capability though. Want you mind blown.. jump on http://www.rcgroups.com and read... read ... read...
  15. creative

    FPV Quads

    I use FreeRider and FreeRider Recharged. FreeRider has a free to use level to have a go with and try out and will run on most computers ( I use this on my laptop). FreeRider Recharged is his full Sim. Better graphics, bigger maps etc etc and needs a better GFX card to run. Whilst a sim is good practice, there is no comparison to real flying, mainly due to the fear of crashing! I like to just have play around on the sims to get a feel of what it would be like trying out a new trick for example. This will give me a much better idea of what to expect in real flight.
  16. creative

    FPV Quads

    Had a free night tonight so decided to sit down and nut out the birds nest of wiring on the 180... Bought myself a quality pair of wire cutters and started snipping and soldering.... rear motors wired up.. All done.... A bit different to the first picture I put up of it! Have to say I am absolutely stoked how this has turned out. Still have some wiring to do for the cam/vtx and osd. power sorting for the flight controller and the led bar on the rear making up.
  17. creative

    FPV Quads

    Its the small things that please me at the moment. As the D4Rii receiver is run on the older PPM connection to the flight controller it doesnt do telemetry as such. You can do this via the serial port on the side of the receiver but you do need extra hardware. I have been waiting for these little things to arrive and they finally did.... Soldered it all together and ziptied it to the frame of he 250 With this I can now receive battery voltage direct to my Taranis. From that I can set up warning shouts for when the battery is getting low and I have to land. Something very simple is a massive bonus when you are doing fpv with the Voltage being read out to you. I also chucked one on my 280 as its running the same receiver... velcro this time.. Talking of FPV, my goggles have been repaired and being delivered back to me this week. Looking forward to actually being able to use them now!
  18. creative

    FPV Quads

    Outlaws can wait..... Look forward to hearing your thoughts on your first Quad.
  19. creative

    FPV Quads

    just a few wires to sort out on the 180.... Where on earth do I start?
  20. creative

    FPV Quads

    IF that actually happened it would of been a dirty Phantom..... Those guys have no idea how to fly.
  21. creative

    FPV Quads

    It wont happen again! lol Went shopping again today.... Time to start building the 180. X4r Sbus receiver 20a opto littlebee esc PDB with OSD CC3D running betaflight DAL 4x45x3 props Just need to decide on the camera and Vtx, Not much room... I also had a rather unexpected parcel turn up as well. A month after being deemed lost in the post... My original Taranis turned up! So I now have two of these great Transmitters..
  22. creative

    FPV Quads

    Well its been an interesting week for parts arriving! This is almost as addictive as 500rwhp! Took the new quad out last weekend and was able to try a 1300mah 4s 45c battery and holy crap... it was a rocket ship! So much so I got home and ordered 4 of my own! Also had a good afternoon with the family at a bbq and everyone wanted to have a ride along, so passed my new Fatsharks around so everyone could see what I was talking about... all good until I went to hook them up to the sim the other night and get a bit of practice in and I found this... Someone at some point had held the lenses upto the sun and caused a sunspot on the LCD display... $560 worth of goggles, 2 weeks old and they have to go in to have the LCD replaced. Annoyed was an understatement!... dont know who ( I suspect one of the kids) but it wont happen again! I also ordered a new Power Distribution Board.. or PDB. This one is one of the latest and 10 times the price of a normal one I use but has every connection I will need including a built in OSD (on screen display) My little 180 frame arrived as well... together with the flight controller and PDB fitted and the 2204/2300kv motors. These are the same ones on the 250 and the 280 so god knows how nuts this thing is going to be... as I will be running it with the 4s batteries! and side by side with my 250.. its so small! This hobby is really exciting me atm. After the ute went up in smoke I was kind of trying to find something that excited me as much as a supercharged V8 and i found that in something that is 250mm wide!
  23. creative

    FPV Quads

    Pleased with today. Had a busy week of bits turning up and I had a quick five minutes waiting for the missus so decided to test fly the 250.... and it works! Didnt try to flip or anything ontake off. needed a bit of trim to stable the hover but nothing major. PID's arent bad as stock but needs a little tweak so will do that out in the field. I may or may not of ordered my next frame... A little 180 this time. This will also be running 4s through 20a esc's and 4x5x4 tri props. This hobby is addictive!!
  24. Yep, another fan here and very active on the forum.... and had one of the highest viewed builds when I was supercharging. Just wish I could of had the chance to line up against gramps before the bbq! Wassabi for me to win though!
  25. creative

    FPV Quads

    That sucks. Have you flown anything before?
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