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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Henk

  1. It's in the calendar but of course I'll park in the ordinary person's car park
  2. Forgot to mention, all good to come, be there after 13:00
  3. Just checking with "her indoors" but should be fine I reckon.
  4. +2 -0 Avon ZZ3 +0 -0 Barum Bravuris 2 +0 -0 Bridgestone RE050 +2 -0 Bridgestone RE050A +0 -1 Bridgestone RE050A (run flat) +1 -0 Bridgestone S02 (N3) +1 -0 Bridgestone S02 (N4) +0 -3 Continental Sport Contact +0 -1 Continental Sport Contact 2 (N2) +0 -0 Continental Sport Contact 2 (run flat) +0 -0 Continental Sport Contact 3 +0 -0 Dunlop SP Sport 2000E (BMW) +1 -0 Dunlop SP Sport 9000 +2 -0 Dunlop SP Sport Maxx +1 -2 Falken FK-452 +0 -1 Falken Ziex ZE-512 +0 -0 Falken Ziex ZE-912 +0 -0 Fulda Carat Exelero +2 -2 Goodyear Eagle F1 GS-D3 +0 -0 Goodyear Excellence +0 -0 Hankook Ventus V12 Evo +0 -1 Kingstar K 106 +0 -0 Kumho KU31 +0 -0 Kumho KU31 (run flat) +1 -0 Marangoni (which tyre?) +0 -0 Marshal Matrac MU11 +0 -0 Maxxis MA V1 +0 -0 Maxxis MA Z1 +0 -1 Michelin Pilot Sport 2 (N3) +0 -1 Nankang NS-1 +1 -0 Nexen N3000 +0 -1 Nokian NRY +0 -0 Pirelli Euforia (run flat) +2 -0 Pirelli P Zero Nero +0 -0 Pirelli P Zero (N, run flat) +2 -0 Pirelli P Zero Rosso (N3) +0 -0 Primewell PZ900 +5 -0 Toyo Proxes T1-R +0 -0 Toyo R888 +0 -0 Uniroyal RainSport 2 +0 -0 Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta +0 -0 Vredestein Wintrac Xtreme +1 -0 Yokohama A048-R +0 -0 Yokohama V103 Advan Sport
  5. Busy loading car, see yas at Dover tomorrow Bringing stills & video this time
  6. Suggestion: Shall we all share our mobile phone numbers between each other in case of getting separated? The radios after all have limited range. OBVIOUSLY NOT ON THIS PUBLIC THREAD!
  7. Supra baby! By then I hope to have had at least my rear wheel bearings done. Final specs on cooling changes still not decided yet. Either way the bearings will last one day at Pod
  8. A friend of mine is coming to spectate that day and will be bringing her fast car mad 6 year old son. Can I ask as many people as possible on the day for "sit in car photos"? It would make his day / short life Many thanks to those who are up for it
  9. As usual the best laid plans let me down, I was coming just to take photos but unfortunately cleaning up child vomit at 03:00 soon put paid to me getting up early to drive there. Hope others took some photos!
  10. I have one of these and can highly recommend it! Excellent in every way, you will need a carry case to protect the screen from scratches.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8051476.stm (brases himself for repost mania)
  12. Unfortunately I will be unable to make it now due to unexpected work commitments, seriously unhappy! I have a ticket and club stand pass with Lui to be picked up in Reading at the convoy. If anyone wants to go last minute, do feel free to get my tickets from Lui. Real bummer, will PM Lui separately to let him know.
  13. http://qqqlba.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pzimcjHM1Vf9UFkYXN8QydgtimE9pDECr0nuyjnFDZDnYnvE43Wxm8kC5lroavpuBtPIomZiQXjl9TSZgzlJrlQ/CIMG0373.JPG
  14. SteveR at the Ring 2008: http://m4fwdw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p41DA5xRJXYdyNJIVoShxmRIb7iys4A7LqLgTxWOKuCcRcQ7R0VlYobneC9XvH5mNe-ou5lbeyyFeXxcQGv8BzA/DSC01511.JPG High Res version here: http://m4fwdw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p41DA5xRJXYdyNJIVoShxmakdk4zsYLyKN8Sc2-nUkg92aBMZWHW2YFqHoJmaeR4UrEmj--1flcWvdykFAqEmRA/DSC01511.JPG
  15. Whoops, well I found that I had duplicate directories uploaded so had a clear out..... Sorry!
  16. Just to get you in the mood.... remember last year? http://cid-840879b700448ac4.skydrive.live.com/play.aspx/.res/840879b700448ac4!1074/840879B700448AC4!1075?ct=photos
  17. I never did tell you guys about the test drive before I bought the ML55. My friend Duncan came to check the car / engine over (He's a Senior Technician at McLaren Mercedes) he's really embarrased about the video they uploaded (Top right: http://www.mclarenautomotive.com/interactive/video.php ) So 1/2 way through the test drive Duncan got behind the wheel and started driving HARD, we approached a roundabout and, unbeknownst to me, he turned off the ESP..... He 4 wheel drifted the ML round the roundabout with me seeing asphalt through the passenger window! Needless to say I screamed like a little girl and in a nearby layby he got out and we swapped places saying "Yep, good quality car mate...."
  18. I agree with everything said by BigNum, LittleIckleNum, Ark, SteveR etc. etc. It is precisely because I agree that I cancelled the work this morning I've re-read my posts and I really did not explain things that well, hence you all agree with me My ideal solution is active spoiler working, standard nose still there and replacement radiator (because it is on it's last legs and I'm sick of finding leaks) with 2 electric fans (because the bonnet change meant cutting down the viscous shroud), and oil cooler and transmission cooler somewhere under there. In addition I need better airflow to the air intake which had to be bodged because of the bonnet and a couple of pipes replaced that age has gotten the better of. (It is after all a 1993 car) So the long and short of it is that I don't want an FMIC but they only suggested that as an immediate compromise to create the room for additional parts so that we could still do it all by Thursday. Since I don't want to rush, spend excessively or fit parts I don't want I cancelled the work. I don't need to go elsewhere for the work, nor can I because it was this week I had planned free for the work, I have no other time that fits in with my work, I am perfectly happy to wait and do it later in the year with better planning and correct parts. Unlike you petrol heads I am a patient guy Oh and IckleNum.... not sure even I am big enough to protect you from all the Ringers you will piss off while we're there It is very touching to see how quickly people come out to help advise and make themselves available, I love this club!!!! Not going in the Supra is no big deal, it just means I'll take more photos and will increase photographic revenue
  19. Oh no, don't worry it's not a question of rip off, it's more me being very specific about what I do and don't want and because of the fact we both forgot that I was standard nose, with active spoiler, that the planned changes weren't possible. So to change things the way i want, I did not want it rushed or compromised, so I cancelled the work this week and put it on hold. It's way complicated because of the bonnet change. I also have a couple of places that need hard pipes, air flow changed. Don't worry guys, I know my options but I am very careful with money and I don't like unplanned changes, so I felt it was better to postpone and do it right first time, rather than compromise. Edit: I never wanted an FMIC for all the reasons above, stuck to my guns about that.
  20. Yes indeed that was part of the conversation today, but the work that was going to be done this week was costed as follows: Oil Cooler Transmission Cooler Bigger Radiator Electric fans However, that was based on the assumption (on the garage's part) that I already had an FMIC fitted thus they could use all the premade brackets piping etc. Of course the reality is that I have standard nose, standard SMIC. There's no room for the parts above already paid for... So in order to make changes, there were labour and parts increases as well as time..... nearly all standard brackets and piping would need to be customised. Edit: Remember, part of the issue is that I will not lose the active spoiler or the standard nose otherwise I cannot get over the hump to my garage.... there's only a finite amount of space and because I won't move, they cannot use the standard whip in parts they've used hundreds of times before.... Damn this is so hard to explain in writing without being able to point under the bonnet!
  21. Water was 110+ and oil 120+ within a quarter of a lap and on a spirited drive can even get a little over excited.... Was happening on every lap, even the early morning cool laps we did!
  22. I had oil & water nearly off the scale last year, it was damn hot (even in the shade, I was so sun burnt) to be fair and with the new bonnet I've changed the air flow which is affecting the cooling. I need to replace the SMIC with an FMIC (was not in the original costing plan) and this would mean losing the active spoiler (which I like, had body painted and helicopter taped) and am not willing to lose. A different FMIC which can be fitted in conjunction with the spoiler is required. The extra labour and parts I just don't have the money for right now and when I do anything to my baby Supra it's perfect and top dollar everytime. With all the planned shows etc. time is also an issue, so I've postponed it for later this year instead and do it all properly, with solutions to what I am unwilling to change my mind about.
  23. OK there's going to be a small change of plan for me now. I am still coming (need the holiday) but will be coming in the daily driver instead of the Supra so will be arranging plenty of passenger rides with you guys. (Andy, I hope you're reading this) Why? I hear you ask..... Last year at The Ring I had severe cooling issues which were planned to be solved this week with replacement Radiator (which won't last much longer), Engine Oil & Transmission Oil coolers as well as some other piping re-routing etc. However, due to my intransigence on the subject of changing the standard nose and losing the active spoiler, plus the fact I have a standard side mount IC, not an FMIC, (which both the garage failed to remember and I forgot to mention... oopps). In order to now solve the cooling problems will require much more innovation or extra labour or different parts (existing parts already bought & paid for). So given the: List of events already in the calendar - lack of time Change of strategy / labour / parts - lack of money The work will be done later in the year once we've found solutions which satisfy me the owner from a looks perspective and solves my over heating problems. I don't want to repeat laps like last year with alarms going off within 1/4 of a lap, and the chance of doing some serious damage. So either I come in the daily driver for the social aspect of the trip and take thousands of photographs or I don't come at all. I'm falling on the side of coming for a laugh at the moment...
  24. On driving home I saw a Silver Supra being lectured by plod.....
  25. I'll come down for some photos if you don't mind. I've not done any mods to mine since the last run so I'll miss out on the run this time round.
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