Right, since JAE is going to be low key, there will be no charge for club tickets.
We will have the marquee and power and I’ll bring a few beer fridges to keep things cold but we won’t be able to buy loads of food like we usually do and it’s not fair to charge everyone that does come £35 for what we will have this time round.
So, you will have to bring your own food and drink or get it there.
We do have £200 from sky for our drinks fund so there will be some drinks and I’ll grab loads of snacks etc.
Just waiting to hear back from Wile if he is coming as he has all the cooking equipment.
For those that have already purchased tickets, refunds will be given, I’ll try and arrange that as soon as possible.
But please, still let me know via here or message if you’re coming so we can get a list.
If you’ve got any friends that want to come along, even if they don’t own a supra that is fine with me.
If people are up for it, we could get a kitty going for a BBQ on the Saturday night?