Ok, tonight I raise my forces I get start to get all out, incluing lower control arm, I have noticed that was a lot of anti gravel unfortunately the guy who paint my Supra put there anti gravel too what noob, so I start to clean also when I move down the arm I notice the same noise but I didn't have change to test the car because was too late and will do a lot of noise for my family was slipping lol, I test the lower control ball joint imo is fine.
When I start to take the final studs I notice something very strange, please look at these pics of the camber is these right, I think there is here a big xhit job from the guy who get alignment my Supra !
I think it is betther next time change these nut what you think is ok ot not, I got in the end squeezes it with some difficulty but was tight (228mn)