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Everything posted by ukApache

  1. they're £110 new!! whats they condition? a ball park figure of what you hope to get would be helpful
  2. im after a set of these. how much ££ are you looking for?
  3. thanks to you both for the replies. i do have a wiring diagram, but not that one (mine is for usa & canada which appears to be slightly different ) i'll see if i can trace it from this one
  4. no probs i'll try & get it up later. just remember though my way completely bypasses the spoiler ECU, so all you need is the active spoiler itself (i.e. spoiler & motor), the stock switch & 5 SPCO relays (2 for to make it go up and down, & 3 for alarm and switch control)
  5. ok i found a trigger wire for the parking lights: on the steering column side of the plug its the wire with clear sleeving, & it goes to ground when the lights are on. really though i want the wire for dipped headlights. i found a red/yellow wire that goes to 12v when dipped switch is on, but it doesnt work just by putting 12v to it. im guessing that one of the other wires (maybe the white/black) has to go to ground at the same time for the lights to work. please can anyone verify this? cheers.
  6. 1) Supragal (2) 2) Ahh Aristo (1) 3) Class One (1) 4) brettjones (1) 5) Edge(1) 6) Pig (1) 7) Andy T (1) 8) Charlotte (1) 9) MrHanky (2) 10) Jevansio (1) 11) Supra_Surj (1) 12) MarkTheBoy (1) 13) Pixelfill (1) 14) Terribleturner (1) 15) MrRalphMan (1) 16) Faye (1 17) Suprabass (1) 18) Lui (1) 19) hogmaw (1) 20) Trig (1) 21) Dragonlady (1) 22) Colsoop, please (x 1) 23) Laz (1) 24) Supragold (1) 25) jazz1 (1) 26) Sharpie (1) 27) baldy(1) 28) dazla (1) 29) Havard (1) 30) 2JG (1) 31) Shytot (1) 32) Two Two (1) 33) Guigsy (1) 34) SteveR (3) 35) dr_blackman (1) 36) Part-timer (1) 37) Markymark (1) 38) TonyP (1) 39) Thorin (1) 40) RedM (2) 41) Henk (2) 42) SimonB (2) 43) suprarob (1) 44) TrickTT (1) 45) Sandy-m2 (1) 46) Broomie (1) 47) jimwire (2) 48) Edd_t (1) 49) Downimpact (1) 50) Ian R (1) 51) Supradoopa (2) 52) rick001(1) 53) ultra_supra (1) 54) GeordieSteve (1) 55) Lee Perryman (1) 56) Eve (1) 57) trooper (1) 58) Ewen (1) 59) mikeyb10supra (1) 60) Mr T (2) 61) Dave36 (1) 62) juanchan (1) 63) TARIQ (1) 64) G-Nemie (1) 65) MRX (1) 66) Livvy (1) 67) Mas (1) 68) Bobbeh (2) 69) Barny (1) 70) turbonut (1) 71) hoff (1) 72) Naybad (1) 73 Franko (2) 74) SupraPL (1) 75) spartan (1) 76) Ivan (1) 77) nige (1) 78) MrLover (1) 79) Kieren1234 (1) 80) dyer864 (1) 81) Redm (1) 82) ndwgolf (2) 83) blackie1980 (1) 84) DannyW (1) 85) Pete (1) 86) M5W TT (1) 87) ShamelessTT (1) 88) Animal (1) 89) hoff (1) 90) Wile e coyote (1) 91) fla$ha$h (1)
  7. does anyone know which wire under the dash triggers the headlights? i'm trying to hook it up to my alarm to be able to control the lights from the fob (fairly pointless i know ) but i cant seem to find the right wire. i been under there with a voltmeter for ages but when i come to putting 12v to a wire that i think will work i get nothing. please help before cheers
  8. the other week i bought an active spoiler set up (thanks Jon ) but because i didnt have the wiring already in the car i had to hard wire it. The way i have it setup is for it to come down when i dis-arm my alarm, and for it to go back up when i arm it. its also wired into the stock switch so in the 'auto off' position the spoiler is always up regardless whether the alarm is armed or not, and in the 'down' position its always down. the green led on the switch is also on whenever the spoiler is down. if anybodys actually interested i'll post up the wiring diagram i made to use with the switch & any other details
  9. ukApache


    i torque mine to about 140Nm i think. but i'm pretty sure the air guns they use have torque settings as well
  10. i also noticed something like that
  11. i put some holts rad cleaner in mine, drove it about 20 miles then flushed it all with the hose. seemed to do the job
  12. just in case you get stuck : http://www.clubna-t.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2424&highlight=fuel+pump
  13. thanks for getting back to me looks like one of these days i'll have to check all the ignition wires
  14. any idea what sort of problems i should be looking out for with the ignition?? what was wrong with yours if you dont mind me asking? I checked for error codes but nothing came up. thanks
  15. did this today. didnt seem to make any difference to the way it starts still have to crank it a few times before it fires. battery's only 3 months old aswell anyone one know what the prob could be??
  16. i just spent the last hour getting the starter motor bolts undone after reading this thread: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=51682 but now i cant seem to get it out i.e its no longer attached to the transmission but none of the gaps are big enough for it to fit through for me to take it away from the car. hope that makes sense is there anything else that needs to be taken off like the fuel filter etc. please help!!
  17. i dont think a bag & elastic band will hold, theres hardly any pressure but it still seems to drip through. i put a piece of cloth into the ring that the banjo bolt goes though & then wrapped it tight with a lot of cling film ...after a few days it dripped though. tbh though if your taking the pistons out you'll prob need to do a full bleed anyway
  18. straight forward job once the caliper is off the car & you get the pistons out, be warned though all 6 pistons (I did F&R) on mine were a pain to get out & that was with a compressor! if you just leave it to one side the fluid will def drain out! you need to seal off the end with a plug or something. if you let the reservoir empty then you'll have to bleed the whole system
  19. some na's do. i think theres a way you can check by looking at the numbers (& letters) on the metal plate under the bonnet
  20. ok. i tried lowering the latch with different bolts and it seemed to work. i took it for a drive & when I got back i noticed that it had raised slightly then if i pull it up (without actually releasing it) it raises to about the same height as before?? but only on the drivers side could it be that i need a new latch??
  21. thanks. i'll give it a go & report back
  22. since i got the car the bonnet has always been slightly raised on the drivers side. the weird thing is that the latch seems to work fine?? also if i hold down the bonnet on the drivers side it all lines up perfectly with the wing and bumper so i dont think its bent. the way i tested the drivers side catch is locking it with a screwdriver and then moving it around for any play, but theres none its really annoying because people keep telling me that my bonnets not closed please anyone
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