The CSA will go for easy targets every time ie: Someone who is employed rather than self employed because it is generally easier, cheaper and much less time consuming to get information and money from someone employed through a company.
They are also hugely frustrating to deal so be warned.
If you expect the CSA to be fair or honest then think again, years ago my ex wife worked in the Personel Dept. for the same company as my then partner (now wife) and myself, she accessed both our company records and sent all the information to the CSA, in doing so she broke the Data Protection Act, to put it simply she supplied the CSA with criminally obtained information (I could have had her sacked but how was that going to benefit my kids?)
When I informed the CSA of this they were not in the slightest bit interested or concerned and used all the information to reach what they called a "fair and honest" assessment:mad:
I wouldn't p*ss on the CSA if they were on fire.