i'm 100% going to buy a Supra at some point...though now I realise it may not be for a good while. Am trying to save up to buy a house... have only just started saving, and whilst realistically I could purchase a Supra this time next year (NA at least) - whether I could afford to run one is another matter entirely. How much does it cost to fill up the fuel tank, just out of interest? my current Corolla costs me up to £35 for a full tank and presumably it does about 40 mpg (though prob. less the way I drive it, lol). If I'm honest, I'd very much prefer to buy a Supra than a house (far more exciting / fun in my opinion), but then there's only so long you can put off purchasing your first property also. I wish I was earning lots of cash that would allow me to do both, but it's not the reality. Supra will have to wait a few years sadly (or rather, until my corolla eventually conks out - but i reckon this thing could make 200k? she's currently hit the 94k mark and never had a problem in the year i've owned her. Jap parts eh i'm very envious of you guys who can afford to run (stock, let alone modifications) supes, as well as pay the mortgage