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  1. pdg26

    running costs

    Agreed. I presume most of you guys with supes (esp. those who modify their cars extensively) either have well-paid jobs or very wealthy parents / surplus of income. sadly i have neither; hence the house is the obvious priority.
  2. pdg26

    running costs

    what about taxing a supra?
  3. pdg26

    running costs

    that's better than i thought.
  4. guys, i'm 100% going to buy a Supra at some point...though now I realise it may not be for a good while. Am trying to save up to buy a house... have only just started saving, and whilst realistically I could purchase a Supra this time next year (NA at least) - whether I could afford to run one is another matter entirely. How much does it cost to fill up the fuel tank, just out of interest? my current Corolla costs me up to £35 for a full tank and presumably it does about 40 mpg (though prob. less the way I drive it, lol). If I'm honest, I'd very much prefer to buy a Supra than a house (far more exciting / fun in my opinion), but then there's only so long you can put off purchasing your first property also. I wish I was earning lots of cash that would allow me to do both, but it's not the reality. Supra will have to wait a few years sadly (or rather, until my corolla eventually conks out - but i reckon this thing could make 200k? she's currently hit the 94k mark and never had a problem in the year i've owned her. Jap parts eh i'm very envious of you guys who can afford to run (stock, let alone modifications) supes, as well as pay the mortgage
  5. pdg26


    interesting reading! i've seen a clip of a JUN supra drifting that look quite impressive - i take it that's oversteer? i guess i won't know the real difference until i get the supra
  6. pdg26


    i know what you mean about undesteering also - it's a very fine line being in control and not in control (esp. in the wet)
  7. pdg26


    ok, think i'm with you now...how does one initiate a 'drift'? have a feeling that all i was doing in my fwd is power sliding, where the back wheels break away ? how does the oversteer occur in the supra?
  8. pdg26


    what's the basic handling of a supra like - i know it's got a long wheelbase, does this impact on the handling? have heard they handle pretty well? (though perhaps not as well as a rally car?)
  9. pdg26


    how come? i don't know much about it - other than FWD is i guess 'pulling' the car, RWD 'pushing' it - can someone explain the basic differences?
  10. pdg26


    thanks Chilli, you've cleared up my queries very well, much appreciated. regarding traction control - does this only come as standard with the TT? are there any particular advantages handling-wise of a RWD car over a FWD? with my FWD 1.3 corolla which admittedly gets the crap thrashed out of it, I can sometimes get the back wheels to break out under hard driving (though some care required in the wet obviously), causing a power slide / drift in the very minor sense of the word. How does RWD compare? thanks again.
  11. pdg26


    Hi guys, Just a quick one here...it sounds from all you lot like TT is now the 'only' way to go, LOL Just wanted to talk about handling and power - can someone please quote me bhp output for stock TT and NA? I'm guessing 280 and 225 respectively, but the 320 figure is also in my mind for some reason for the TT....also there's this business of power being measured at the flywheel and at the rear wheels - which is the most commonly quoted (for cars in general?), not sure what it all means? re: handling - what are the levels of grip of a Supra like; does it handle as well as evos and imprezas (not that i've been in any of these but heard they handle like they're on rails)? i recall reading somewhere on here that the TT can be a little dodgy in the wet? also 0-60 aside, is the difference quite striking in the mid-range, i.e. what are the 1/4 mile times for stock NA and TTs? cheers guys! p.s. can someone explain the 'hovis' thing on here - ?
  12. pdg26


    can someone explain 'hovis' - not sure i get it?!
  13. pdg26


    Hi Vicky, I'm a newbie too...look forward to seeing your pics
  14. pdg26

    cat 1 alarms

    cheers Ian, much appreciated!
  15. I see....how's that then? How can I contact him?
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