You wouldn't like our roads or I should rather say potholes You would love food, woman, price of booze and fags. Price of fuel is not that much different than here - around 85p/litre, but average income is around 400 pounds/month...
There is nothing wrong with ID, if police want to check you, they will this way or another, there is no point to make them harder to do this. Having ID card do NOTHING to your privacy, but make criminals life little harder and police do not struggle to find out, who is this moron messing in public transport for example. Your details can be easily accessed in bank/work/hospital, but ID cards will speed up procedure. Poland have ID card scheme from ages and I really didn't feel, that my privacy was invaded, actually I think, that in England more people have access to my personal data than in Poland. I do not agree on tracking stuff tho.
More about public transport:
Wolverhampton City Council DO have a money to buy back public transport, problem is, thta private company (National Express) do not want to SELL hen, which is giving gold eggs. Most of their income coming from town buses and rail.