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Everything posted by Konrad

  1. Konrad

    Donor car?

    C3 Stingrays from 1969 to 1972 are the best looking ones imho. I would wait a little to pound/dollar situation improvement and get one imported from US (California or any other dry area). Engines are simple, massive and doesn't break really - I would compare those to v160 gearbox - tough and almost unbreakable They DO drink petrol tho, a lot... But sound and look will reward this small imperfection in overall beautiful car Edit: Oh, and parts are easy to obtain and cheap as chips
  2. Konrad

    Donor car?

    I think you did show C3 Stingray on your pic. Beast with perfect lines My gf planning to get one at some stage, I did check prices in US and they seems to cost reasonable money. Here's better pics http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showpost.php?p=2106384&postcount=37
  3. Yeh, those which do not elec folding are heated ones When you switch on rear screen heating, mirrors will heat up too.
  4. Just one bulb for upper strip. Other one is to illuminate temperature regulator.
  5. Konrad

    Train fares!

    Oh my, for this money you can get to Poland and back by car
  6. It's because owner is also very Kill Bill
  7. I think I have master and slave clutch cylinder from the times I was changing clutch on my NA. It's brand new, as CW said it was not necessary to change it at that time. Let me find out what are those worth Did check EPC part number and it's the same for NA and TT 5speed/6speed. Edit: Found original post with Nic's prices at that time and found master and slave cylinder sitting safely in garage. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showpost.php?p=1399488&postcount=9 You can have a master and slave cylinder for 90 pounds posted, or just master for 60 pounds posted. I do personally think, that if you are going to change cylinders, do both at the same time.
  8. As in a title, looking for retracting passenger mirror, colour is not important. Thanks Konrad
  9. What price for passanger mirror? Is it folding one or heated?
  10. There will be one soon in Wolverhampton
  11. Konrad

    Are you BNP?

    From third rate minds (by Tannhauser)? I feel sorry for people who support them for their "moon on stick" ideas and wishes. How many of their supporters thought about "what then after throwing those evil immigrants out? and everyone who does not look or sound like white british?". When I see some of those comments, I seriously can draw picture of people like Paul walking around and "checking" people in "V for Vendetta" Fingermen style.
  12. ...and those who are working hard can freeze their arse at winter with noone bothering to come and insulate theirs for free
  13. Mike, I got HID from this guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FREE-SHIPPING-HID-XENON-KIT-H7-H1-H11-9005-H3-H8-6000K_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a15Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3911Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem270304244604QQitemZ270304244604 No trimming, everything was fine
  14. Euro version is basically the same like UK spec one, so to be on a safe side you could order for UK spec
  15. Small square lights over the buttons are LED lights. Those are seperated from buttons completely and will not give any background light to buttons.
  16. Wasn't it just a case of wrong factory head screws torque settings?
  17. Bulbs. I gave hecklers guide to show how to take off climate controls and where are bulbs located. Altough if you are good in soldering you can do led conversion by yourself - it is fiddly work tho so be warned. d&d: Yes, 2 bulbs on lower strip.
  18. http://www.internetwork.org.uk/led/led.htm Thanks to heckler
  19. I THINK it is the one: 84999-70009 BULB, AIR CONDITIONER CONTROL
  20. Yes it can, it's just one small bulb, problem is - where to get them
  21. Online scanner from f-secure is healing it.
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