I think you are getting to problem from wrong side Dude. Most immigrants are actually contributing hell a lot to economy, but it would be boring to read about it in newspapers, wouldn't it?
You do not need to be afraid about immigration from EU, as most of those people are coming here to work hard, pay taxes, gather some money and go back to where they come from (remmeber about tax, NI and other contributions they will never regain). Most of these individuals are healthy, young people who come to work, not to drain the system or watse their time in hospitals.
As for non EU immigrants - put australian system to work, it ain't that hard - pick, who you need at the moment and that is.
Proper solution, but very unpopular one (among politicians at least), would be to rewamp benefit system to stage, where you will be not able to survive on benefits and you NEED to work for a living (at least part time). Most home grown and foreign scroungers are sitting here, because they can get free ride for whole live. I just cannot understand, how main parties seems to overlook benefits problems (or afraid to do anything), when in reality harsh cuts in benefits and forcing idle bone bastards to work for their living would boost any party popularity among average Joe's (read: voters)....