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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. I thought I ran two performance cars - but since your criteria is that they must be Japanese, I guess I don't actually run any. How odd.
  2. This happened to me a long time ago with a gas oven. It was after we'd had the glass out to clean it, and I can only guess we somehow fractured it or something when it was out. If I remember correctly (it was about 20 years ago!) my house insurance paid for it. It seems odd now that it wasn't within the excess, but I have vague memories that because it was glass it's handled differently (same as with cars).
  3. To be honest, if they can do that they deserve my car.
  4. I originate from England thanks. Personally, I don't understand how admitting you're racist to an extent, and have an issue with Asians suddenly makes that attitude OK. He called himself a racist - and yes, I think he is - although I actually think it's due to lack of cultural awareness rather than any malicious intent. And frankly, I couldn't care less if I've annoyed you.
  5. There was no reason to imply or suggest anything of the sort. It was clearly stated in black and white : That is racist, pure and simple. You can dress it up anyway you like - you can say you will be civil to asians when you meet them (as he did) - but that doesn't mean you are not racist.
  6. Yep - and in my opinion, "to an extent" doesn't make it OK, and admitting it doesn't make it OK either. I could go out tonight and kill 20 people simply because they're asian. Compared to Hitler, that would make me a racist to an infinitesimal amount - but that would hardly make it OK would it?
  7. Perhaps we were confused by your earlier post?
  8. No, that's not how it is for you. From your analogy, if you had bad service at a garage, you would not advise your friends to go there and you would not use them again. But that doesn't match your attitude to Asian and Polish people. If we assume that the Asians / Polish people you've had experience with are represented by the garage - you now seem to have an issue with all garages. Which - if we really were talking about cars and garages - I'm sure you would think was a ridiculous attitude. Incidentally, "Asian" describes a great many people - Chinese and Japanese included - so I wonder if your racist ramblings are even accurate about who you don't like.
  9. So, explain exactly what "stay a Christian country" actually means. If it doesn't mean stop other religions, and it doesn't mean closing down mosques etc. - what did you mean? What BNP policy specifically relates to "stay a christian country"? What would be different from current government policies?
  10. I assure you he doesn't say what I think, and I will never be applauding him. "Stay a Christian country". Meaning what? That other religions should not be allowed here? Close down all the Mosques? I don't practice Christianity - should I go and live somewhere else?
  11. DaveK

    Enough is Enough

    The postal workers don't seem to realise that they are in a competitive business now. They don't like employees being replaced by cheaper / faster machinery? Hard luck I'm afraid - no business can just focus on keeping their employees happy - they have to remain competitive. And sometimes, that means decisions the workforce won't like. And as somebody has already pointed out - going on strike is long term suicide anyway. They are not the only option these days - force people to use alternatives, and then see how hard it is to make them come back.
  12. £10,000. The (not very) helpful people on the phone told me I could spread the payment over several days. Which is hardly practical when I wanted my car the next day (and the web site doesn't warn you of that). They also told me I wouldn't have to pay when I went into the branch - which was clearly not true.
  13. I've considered switching from Natwest a couple of times - once to A&L (years ago), and once to Halifax (earlier this year). I stopped the A&L switch when I found I'd been given incorrect information. I stopped the Halifax one when I found that they wouldn't give me one of the sweeteners their leaflet said I'd get. I eventually concluded that I'd always been perfectly happy with Natwest service so I should stay there. However - I'm now not so sure about that - Natwest annoyed me when I bought my car. They have a limit to what you can transfer to one payee on a single day using the internet - and then charged me £23 to do it at the branch. I was not impressed.
  14. Some say they can find the plate, but I'm dubious whether they really can. In fact, one of them has a FAQ page which includes the question about finding a plate - and they say the answer is no, because only the police and DVLA can obtain that information and they won't do so just for a plate purchase enquiry. I suspect if you ask them to find a particular plate, they'll say they can't - and then hassle you to buy something they do have which they think is close.
  15. I know, and it's where I assume it's probably leaking from. Although I've also been told rad caps are known to leak, and that the coolant cap can (and even that there was a modified part). I'm going to top up one more time - assuming the level goes down again it will go back to the dealer. They are excellent - I've already told them about it, and they will sort it. The next time I buy a car, they will be the first place I shop (assuming it's a Merc or Porsche since that's all they sell).
  16. Actually, this has surprised me about mine. It gets a lot of attention, much more than the 964 and more than my Supra ever did. Considering how many 996s there are about (and that most people wouldn't notice the difference between that and the turbo) I didn't expect it. Mind you - mine doesn't currently seem to be quite as reliable as yours - there is some evidence it might be losing coolant.
  17. Is it only 3? I thought for some reason it was 6?
  18. I sympathise. I've been riding bikes for over 20 years, and I think it's ironic that the govt has made it harder to get a bike test - but riding standards have clearly dropped. Some bikers (including this one by the sounds of it) are an accident waiting to happen. When I was coming to work this morning, doing about 80mph on the M3 (outside lane) a bike came up quickly behind me between my lane and the middle lane. He had to brake, since the car in front moved into the middle lane as he tried to do the same thing again. I don't know when it became acceptable for bikes to ignore motorway lane markings at that kind of speed? I left the motorway soon after that, and caught matey boy up on the exit slip road. The slip road has a roundabout at the end - you can turn left (has it's own filter lane) or right - two lanes allow you to turn right. I was in the right hand lane, biker boy was in the left. We pulled out roughly together (normal speed, neither of us racing) - and biker twat nearly took the front of my car off, since he appeared to take the racing line around the roundabout (he was lucky I didn't go right into the back of him). Interestingly - he appears to work at the same place I do, so I'm very tempted to have a word. Despite being a biker myself, my general view of them is pretty low these days.
  19. I've not used one, although the guy next to me at work has one. Seems to be the best of both worlds - same Symbian s/w as the 5800 but with the extra features N series stuff tends to have. But obviously at a price (and I think the qwerty keyboard does make it a little fat).
  20. I've found the battery life good - but it's not all that easy to judge since I have it charging all day at work so it's usually pretty well charged. Not really tried the "wet around the chops" test - but the touch screen isn't bad. It's not as good as the screen on the itouch to use though - although having said that, I've not used my itouch since getting the 5800.
  21. 93 I think - I believe they were only available 93-94.
  22. That's not a 3.6 - a 92 is too early. I guess the fact that it's an "S" and such low mileage is why the price is so high, but that's silly money. Last time I looked, even 3.6's were only in the £50k region.
  23. The 3.6 would still go up in value though - the GTR would go down. If I thought I could find a good black / black RHD 3.6, I'd have one. I think 964 turbo (3.3 or 3.6) is quite a different car to a 996 turbo - I think for most people, they'd serve different purposes.
  24. Are you sure you're not talking about the 959? That was twin turbo, but actually came before the 964 turbo (965). It's also probably not within budget - nice though!
  25. I don't think they make 381 either. The 3.6s did - I'm pretty sure the 3.3s were less than that.
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