i have a problem with my engine.
im driving a t78 greddy kit with aem and 800ccm sard injectors. 2x walbro fuel pumps, 2 fuel lines.
last year i was on a drag race. after going up to 1,6 bar my 4th piston melted.
i replaced the engine this spring, started the search for the cause of the demage. i tested the injectors with 12 volts if they open and also how much ohms they have. seemed ok. then i found one of my walbros was spitting out fuel of the overpressure hole.
so i thought this caused my demage. car was tuned up to 1,6 bar a/f was at 11,8 on the aem log.
all other pistons looked good, just one with a hole in it.
when i put in the new engine, also updated some 272 cams. put in a basemap and drove for 1 week with it. a/f was arround 10, much to rich, didnt go over 1,2 bar.
then we started to tune the car. we lowered the fuel map until we had 11,5 on the log with 1,2 bar.
after driving another log with the aem my 1st piston melted.
my suggestion is one of the injectors is not 100% ok. i didnt put them in the same place of cylinders after testing them.
yesterday i tested them how much they inject.
i took 2,5 bar of water line and clicked them with 12 volts. stopped the time of 30 secs and injected the water into a bottle.
they spray all the same and every injector put 0,3 liter in the bottle.
so now im out of any guess what could be the cause of my demaged engines. its exact the same picture of demage. first 4th piston, now 1st piston. a/f log was good on both engine destroying runs. electronics where all the same, only changed the injectors into different places, so i thought this is the troublemaker.
is there any other test for the injectors?? or where can i search?
i dont want to break my 3rd engine!