During the week i decided to fit two new wires for my defi control unit to the sensor, (oil temp & water temp), as the current ones had broken! quite a simple straight forward swop nothing to dramatic! Now having overheating issues,
currently my oil temp sits around 100-120 according to my DEFi gauge!
Drove back from a weekly shop early , decided to look under the bonnet.....and....BOOM......sounded like a kettle, radiator fluids where past boiling point and over filling into the overflow tank, also noticed my fans hadn't kicked in! My Main issue is to get this fixed ASAP! Fuses or sensor?Where? How many? Bare in mind my engine bay has been rearranged!
I couldn't tell the exact temp as my sodding water temp gauge isn't working, after replacing the broken wires it must be a sensor or my control unit is broke!!
The defi gauge sensor, is that the same sensor that will trigger the fans to come on at a certain temp? As the sensor currently attached to the bottom of the raditor is just wired straight to the defi gauge(not working)
Anyone know how to test a water temp sensor?
Is it a fuss or something why the fans arnt kicking in?
What have I done so far?! - not driving it anymore, thread on here, put the fish I just bought in my fish tank, Running syvecs so sent a data log to Ryan G
Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated