hello guys and gals, i thought that i'd do an update on this thread after the support that you all showed me.
To all those of you that said time will heal all wounds, feel free to say "i told you so" you are right. I have met probably one of the most amazing lassies around. What started out as a "bit of fun" has become quite cerious, after spending a lot of time together, we both realised how much we have in common and how much fun we have when we are together.
At the moment it realy is one of those love stories, i wont sicken you with details, but you get the jist.
Also i tried once to be nice to my ex, who threw it all back in my face. Lesson lernt "x's are x's for a reason".
So once again a big thanks to all you out there for the support.
(please forgive any spelling mistakes)