First off just thought I would come and say hi as I'v finally decided to get the supra that I have always craved, and figured where better to start than here and purchase from here as people on car forums tend to be enthuasiasts therefore the car are more looked after etc.
I'll be coming up from a 2.0 gti 6, which is a fair big step so I'm guessing its probably best to go to a N/A first off get used to that much more power and putting it through the rear wheels, right?
So I just thought I would come on and do some research etc, look for common problems with them etc.
I trying to compare it to something, my mate has a nissan 200sx s14 which I think is pushing similar power to the N/A supras and are fairly similar size, weight etc, has anyone had any experience of both these cars.
If so could you just give me a quick comparison so I know roughly what the power and speed will be like, i.e similar to them?
And if anyone has any tips you guys want to throw my way in regards of buying your first supra I'd be very gratefull
Great site by the way.