I thought it may be benificial to those who would try this as ive not seen any pics on this topic also.
Apart from the gearbox itself,the seal change isnt too bad,ill post pics up of the rear seal being done as you need to use a puller in order to take off the prop end, i did find the selector seal an absolute bitch to get out, i can see why some people just tap in the new seal on top of the old, and im tempteed myself to put two new ones in, seems a bit overkill but hey i hate seeing my g/box on the floor!
The worst thing here is to try and pierce the plastic on the seal and kind of flick it out without scoring the sides of the seal hole.i tried getting a small screwdriver down the back of the metal outer and it pushed the bloody thing all the way down so it makes it ten times more difficult to get out, personally i didnt think they would sit back that far.
i had previously replaced the rear seal for the prop but im going to do that at the same time, originally i had thought it was that seal which had gone hense why i replaced it, but after a few miles it seemed quite apparent that it was not that seal.
any pics you want let me know and ill drop em in this thread to help