On my way to work this morning Traveling through Bolton town center. The road Goes into 2 lanes, The bus was in the 1st lane and i was in the second, Now my lane came to an end which meant that i some how had to cut in so i indicated but unfortunately i had a tosser of a bus driver who wanted to play silly beggars. He could see that i was going to get stuck so i sped up to cut in front, Naughty i know but i had no choice! So he decided to speed up. I managed to cut him up good and proper, I apologised With hazards and hand signals.
Next thing i see in my mirrors is the bus stuck up my back end flashing his high beams constantly. He did this for a good few minutes, Then the crazy tosser tried to overtake me, this guy had seriously lost the plot. We pulled up at the lights and he came along side me and oped his doors:blink: I was getting my self ready for a good ding dong:d He started shouting at me saying I've just cost him his license and that he's caught it all on camera. I just said why the hell wouldn't you just let me in when i indicated, He shouted "i'll see you in court you dick head"
Well i just couldn't believe what had just happened. I kept going over what he said and how i just cost him his licence and worst of all he's taking me to court:blink: Is this possible? or has he just had a serious case of road rage!.