It really "grinds my gears"* as well - the apparent "evolution" of English, both in spelling and punctuation, is highly irritating. There are a lot of people on this forum that can type at a reasonable pace, even if they cannot manage touch-typing, so why can they not type in near proper English with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in? Does it take that much longer? I am the first to admit that my spelling is not perfect and I do not have a full command of the Queen's English, but I can at least string together a post that is understandable!
Some of the threads started in a similar vain to this one have been absolutely hilarious, but at the same time, very depressingly true. When posts appear that are hardly legible, let alone intelligible - and in no way are they answerable it is a sorry state of affairs! Made even worse when these posts are on the quest for "more power innit" - these people are allowed to aim 350bhp+ down the Queen's highways?
And another thing, why do we have so much trouble with threw, through, though, your, you're, their, there, they're, know, no, brakes and breaks??? Surely when your brakes break when instead they should be braking you know you're in for fun, can't people manage to put this into a coherent sentence? I'm waiting for the following threads:-
"Can ny-1 help coz my breaks breaked last night innit!!!!!" Ah certainly friend, I can clearly see what your problem is from your well defined self analysis. What you clearly need is a dictionary. If one of these is not available, you could pop along to your local Ripspeed counter and beat your head repeatedly on the counter until concussion sets in. Once revived please then avail yourself with the largest "phat" alloy wheels you can find in the store, and have them inserted anally. For the final touch you should use the self-adhesive carbon fibre sheeting to cover your nose and mouth - your problem should now be resolved.
"Who wantz me break pads? Dun hardly no miles innit?" What the hell is a break pad? Is it a small piece of rubber matting you can put things on, then beat them with a hammer until you are satisfied with your handiwork? Maybe this sale could be combined with the first thread for a quick sale?
* I watch far too much Family Guy