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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Flip

  1. So only the people aged 30-130 can come and play?
  2. I can vote for ToyotaGT too - James has done a couple of services, fitted a new clutch and sorted out my suspension woes. He's a really helpful chap and knows his stuff. I've got no problem with Paul Whiffy either, he did my decat and a prop shaft seal and sorted me out some brakes too. Nice bloke, helpful and you get to drool over his Rex... ToyotaGT are about a 2 minute walk from the train station, or you might be able to ask us local lads nicely and if we're about we might even give you a lift!
  3. Just got home, great day, thanks guys! Unfortunately bikes weren't allowed alongside cars in the end, so when I was running the bike I tried to time it for when the queue was empty, not fair taking up valuable Supra space! Fun though, mid 13's for the Supra, mid 11's for the bike.
  4. Is the best 60ft time award based on the bouncy castle?
  5. I wonder where I shall have to park the bike
  6. We should stick an A4 printed name badge on our cars in the absense of the tannoy announcements - at least we could then spot forum names. I do appreciate the weight gain of a4 paper may be unacceptable for the people who are taking this seriously however, just an idea
  7. ahhh ok, that makes sense too! And so does the camber description, thanks! Though I probably won't bother with that one, opening the boot and clicking the suspension around a bit is a lot easier than getting the spanners out! Should be a good fun day out...
  8. Thought so, for compliance over surface imperfections? Thanks for confirming!
  9. One of mine is N/A - does that count? It's only a lowly 1 litre too. Here's a question... for us people with adjustable suspension that can be bothered to play with it, should it be set up on its hardest setting, or softest for maximum rear grip?
  10. Opps, soz, fingers quicker than brain obviously:innocent: Sorry you can't make it, I hope your Soop gets better soon, and thank you for the opportunity to take your tickets, I'll try to do you proud and get a time under 20secs.
  11. Woohoo - all paid up, and replacing Knightracer
  12. I'll have it if you can't make it - PM me if I can help you out!
  13. I've never taken it (or the Supra) down the 1/4 either, so I'm probably going to totally embarrass myself - but hey, its all good fun! Looking forward to it now, the Supra is back from a fresh service and is feeling better than ever!
  14. Mine's not special, but I want to run the Supra most of the day, does that count?
  15. WOOHOO! And thanks for finding out Branners!! OK, sign me up! I'll bring the Soop and the Fazer, then I get to switch halfway through the day (or when I've broken one of them, whichever comes first!) So, which one of you dropouts still has a ticket spare? May as well buy yours rather than waste a space that could go to someone else.
  16. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/694723.htm Get that as well as the 350 then... Four proper seats and four doors, check! http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/721285.htm Or something more like:- http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/492962.htm
  17. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/719745.htm Only a 2 seater though, but a fun daily driver
  18. Pfft, the bike will be down the strip, finished and sitting in the fire-up lane waiting for his next go before the Soop runs him over Hopefully they will let us, but if they don't I guess we best say no to bikes, it'll hold up the Supra's otherwise - if we don't get a few of them interested.
  19. I'm still waiting to hear on whether we can definatively run bike against car!
  20. You need two, one for each turbo, actually, best make it four so you have some failsafes, you wouldn't want a wastegate failure to blow your speaker.
  21. I'd have it (I'm a RSP TT6 too, so people may not notice the difference!) but I'm waiting for the definitive bike question to be answered!
  22. Well I'm still interested, and I've not paid up yet, so we might able to come to some arrangement Franko, if the powers that be allow it Branners, I'd still be interested to know the final story on bikes too, what we are and aren't allowed to do on the day, it may influeance my decision...
  23. For your information Branners, I have a BLUE bike... all look the same indeed, you get green ones, blue ones, black ones, yellow ones... very different! That's fair enough though, obviously its a Supra day, I'd bring both if we're allowed, gives my clutch a rest, and should mean I'll see 1/4 in less than 15 seconds! If we aren't then just the Supra ! I just think it would be interesting to put one against the other, when you KNOW that both parties are "trying"... ought to give a few of the BPU/small single guys something to think about at least, especially if someone turns up with a "proper" bike
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