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That’s not completely fair to be honest. It could potentially have been either the crank sensor or the timer. Although the car did ‘hiccup’ on a single occasion after the crank sensor was replaced. It hasn’t had any issues since removing the timer. I may reinstall the timer at some point in order to conclusively establish weather it is actually was the source of the problem. Will post findings. God forbid anyone else has such an annoying/worrying problem with there motor, but if it does ever occur to anyone, I hope this thread will go someway in reducing any potential aggravation! Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Much love ‘peeps’. .. . .
Problem resolved. Solution: Step 1. Locate ageing greddy turbo timer. Step 2. Rip out ageing greddy turbo timer. Step 3. Throw ageing greddy turbo timer on the floor. Step 4. Stamp on it several times while aggressively screaming like a possessed cave man. Step 5. Urinate on it. Step 6: Repeat Step 4. Step 7: Responsibly depose of whats left of it. Step 8: Wash hands and allow heart rate to return to its resting rate. Step 9: Drive and Pull out onto roundabouts with a new sense of confidence.
Do you have rltc on your car by any chance??
Any one know the best way to illiminate my RLTC as a possible cause? Will removing the RLTC fuse essentially switch off its interferance to the injector signals? hence restoring the car to its pre RLTC state? Or is it active? in a sence that removing the fuse will mean essentially no signals to my injectors. If the latter I guess the only way to illiminate RLTC would be to take the loom wires which have been cut (and reditrected through the RLTC ), and reconnect them to bypass the unit again. Can anyone advise? Terminator, 'where-you-at' buddy - am I making any sence here??
Maybe. I would have possibly expected hesitation/spluttering, or misfires with either of these and not a straight cut? You can literally hear the revs needle hit the 0 revs mark as it falls!
Hi Guys, Ive developed a problem with my sup. Really need some ideas/advice as its proving way beyond my limited mechanical knowledge. Basically my engine is cutting out intermittently while driving. The Problem Revs will simply drop to zero. Doesn’t seem to be dependent on weather im accelerating, coasting or its just sitting at idle. All the car electronics will stay on (radio dash headlights ect) but the engine will just die. Sometimes the revs will drop to zero and the engine will immediately fire back up of its own accord. So all you feel is a jerk if your driving in a low gear. Other times it will switch off and crank but not start up for a bit. Normally i have to coast to a stop and keep trying it to start before it fires up again… Related Observations. Prior to cutting off there is no hesitation/misfires? Car will be running absolutely fine. Im really stumped. The problem is intermittent and only very occasional. Will happen when car is warm or cold doesn’t seem to make a difference. No error codes are stored on the ECU. Attempted fixes so far So far I have replaced the crank shaft sensor, and major relays (ones I identified as cutting out the engine if there missing!!). But it hasn’t solved the problem. Taking it to my local mechanic tomorrow again but hes pretty much stumped and im having to tell him what to check… im getting him to check the engine earth/ground points next. (good idea?) Correction- had engine ground points, spark plug connectors checked. -still no joy. Any ideas as to what else it could be or what I could get him to check.? Advice/idea would be very much appreciated. Relevant spec/mods? Have RLTC and a greedy Turbo timer installed. Could either of these be causing these symptoms? Would turning the RLTC to the off position allow me to rule out any problems from it or is that not how its works…? My sups a J-spec TT (BPU). And I’ve been avoiding roundabouts like the plague recently!!…. Thanks, Jas. Status. Solved Solution. Scroll further down thread.
Thanks for the response daman. That does make sense in regards regards to it tripping only when I set the warning very low. Is that 2 seconds mentioned in the manual??
ps.. im reliably informed that the donkey is fully bpu running at 1.4bar. He is however running a bit lean and produces the occassional blue puff of smoke. No animals were harmed in the making of this email.
Ive just re-read my first post and realised how utterly boring it was to read how devoid of any emotion or humour...... so to try to address the balance, heres an unrelated but none the less amusing (IMO) picture of donkey.... enjoy! (...within reason and within appropriate moral bounds.) http://www.nerjadonkeysanctuary.com/Funny%20Donkey.jpg
Hello all. Im a bit confused by the operation of my boost controller. Cant seem to get the warning or limiter function to work properly... infact im not even sure what the limiter is actually supposed to do!?? Ive had a read through past threads and online instructions but to no real avail. Fist issue is my warning will only very occasionally trip and beep. usually when ive set it very low. anything near 1.5 bar or above and the boost just seems to stream past the warning with the controller only flashing red for a split second. It doesnt however give the full three beeps as it seems to do a whole lot more consistently when i set it very low to test it??... Secondly i cant figure out what the limiter is supposed to be doing? is it supposed to automatically adjusting your set val for you if the warning trips? my set value remains the same - warning tripped or not? my sups a j-spec BPU on standard twins. Any advice from some one proficient in this would be very appreciated. just want to make sure my controller isnt faulty! the warning and limiter would be nice feature to able to rely on!. at the moment i have my boost set very conservatively and am constantly checking peak hold to see what its doing. thanks in advance Jas.
Leroybarry , you sure its even a supra?? its not a natrually aspirated 'sofa' by any chance is it??
Sorry... im now very confused... how much bhp can i get out of a standard omlette again??
Bump. 1 day left on ebay.