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Everything posted by R3DG3CKO ROB

  1. Only just seen this.... thoughts are with family and friends... RIP Lew
  2. I'm on there every now and then... lovin the domination I've prestiged 6 times but have slowed down recently as the gf bought a wii and we've been playing mario kart and decorating the flat too Online cod4 is awesome, by far the best online game I've played. Used to play counterstrike, battlefield 2 and 2142 on the PC but the social side of x-box live is so much better... Cod 5 coming out in November though so not long left to get my gold cross...
  3. Go on then Lui mate cars running again so just need to get the wheels balanced and I'll be back to normal I shall book the afternoon off to wash and pollish before the drive now... Names to be added to list below: In main car park section: 01.Lui & Mark@Phoenix(Have Reg & confirmed) 02.MisterSheen (Have Reg & confirmed) 03.Golddigga (Have Reg & confirmed) 04.SBDJ (Have Reg & confirmed) 05.Tooquicktostop (Have Reg & confirmed) 06.BIG BLUE (Have Reg & confirmed) 07.imi (Have Reg & confirmed) 08.Henk (Have Reg & confirmed) 09.mr lover (Have Reg & confirmed) 10.Fargo (Have Reg & confirmed) 11.Chis Burford (Have Reg & confirmed) 12.Gatso n Soo (Have Reg & confirmed) 13.Mas (Have Reg & confirmed) 14.Branners 15.Trig (Have Reg & confirmed) 16.hogmaw 17.Lbm (Have Reg & confirmed) 18.goeights 19.Absxxxx 20.Matt H 21.Dr Doom (Have Reg & confirmed) 22.Paul Whiffin (Have Reg & confirmed) 23.supra_surj (Have Reg & confirmed) 24.Guigsy (Have Reg & confirmed) 25.supra_aero 26.Robert (Have Reg & confirmed) 27.Silversoop (Have Reg & confirmed) 28.Monkey3 (Have Reg & confirmed) 29.SteveL (Have Reg & confirmed) 30.Supragold (Have Reg & confirmed) 31.Dodzilla (Have Reg & confirmed) 32.Jimojameso (Have Reg & confirmed) 33.ped87 (Have Reg & confirmed) 34.charlton (Have Reg & confirmed) 35.Supra ST Myster (Have Reg & confirmed) 36.icj (Have Reg & confirmed) 37.abosupra (Have Reg & confirmed) 38.rxv8 (Have Reg & confirmed) 39.George1200 (Have Reg & confirmed) 40.Mr T (Have Reg & confirmed) 41.Amazing grace (Have Reg & confirmed) 42.inazone 43.Dave west 44.Babe 45.jay_NW (Have Reg & confirmed) 46.b7_hrr 47.R3DG3CKO ROB (Have Reg & confirmed) 48. 49. 50.
  4. It might just be my handset I suspect but I've had problems with connecting it to the PC, Quality of images (supposed to be 5mp), browsing the web and the battery life is terrible... I'm gonna get 02 to give me a new one and hopefully will fix the problems as I do love the phone, just loads of irritating problems...
  5. man I wish I had made it... the battery died this morning (was piss*ng fluid out when started) so couldn't go... passed my tickets on to a couple of MR2 mates so sounds like they had a good day at least
  6. Phone's rubbish anyway (IMHO) I'm trying to get O2 to swap mine for something that works...
  7. dials look good but they've got the speed hut logo on? what's the deal with this? are they re-doing them?
  8. The Avalanche 2.0 disc got awesome reviews a while ago components for value wise, only £400 Apparently the Kona Blast just got an awesome review too think that's about £460 My Scott is a year old now and creaks a bit half tempted to get a new one as the missus has just ordered the Avalanche 2.0 disc
  9. same designer as the 2000GT thats whhat it's based on...
  10. Yeah, lol... Kind of looks like a transformer
  11. Looks awesome IMHO http://www.monstermonster.co.uk/resource/2007/August/Feature/633188191094814083_Toyota_Kireina_GT_fullsize.jpg obviously based on... http://jalopnik.com/assets/resources/2007/10/2000gt1.jpg I think it's just a photoshop but Click here to visit the original site
  12. Hi Guys has anyone got some J-Spec front Callipers sitting around? They need to be working obviously but not bothered about cosmetics... Could collect from Japfest on Saturday... Rob
  13. Hi did these go in the end? If not I'm interested
  14. I consider my self thourghly told off
  15. and a free poster of your car mate! lol how much did you pay them
  16. Couldn't see any other threads on this but just wanted to say Congrats to Lui, awesome review mate loads of pages too
  17. I saw the car this morning on spittles roundabout, just going towards Huntingdon but my gf said she's seen you parked up in St Ives a couple of times now?
  18. Found a mini challenge (like the packkages) you've got to shoot 100 pigeons... 'flying rat challenge' first one I found was at the old hospital mission in one of the upper windows... anyone had a high speed collision straight on yet? I went straight through the windscreen! awesome Bikes are a nightmare due to the braking... Major question is as I've unlocked all the Islands.... where is the Supra???? they had one in GTA SA!
  19. Well It's awesome I'm about a third of the way through the story mode... there were easily about 70 people waiting outside our local game last night mental played it til three and fell asleep and have been back on since 6:30 til now... only critisicm is that the cars are far too easy to roll...
  20. I've had the wheel off and checked it over... nothing obvious wrong, no cracks, dinks etc. no bald spots on the tyre, no nails / small animals in the tread... dunno how I'd check the inside of the tyre.... I think I'm just gonna have to wait til the conversion and see if the problem goes away... I'm praying it's just the dodgy piston but can't see it myself...
  21. I know.... my mates keep saying the same to me I've only got 2 days off to play it though... I think that most of the places opening at midnight have already pre-sold their allocation of the game... bit mad really, I think I'm top of my local 'Games' pre-order list too... Maybe they'll be giving away free tv's like Sony did...
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