Was at a wedding on sunday night then went into town after it with 3of my cousins. Anyway on the way home we all got in a taxi and it was raining. The taxi driver was doing about 80mph+ on 30mph roads so after he over took 2cars then just missed an on coming car i said to him, " could you slow down abit please pal because if you lost it now you would kill us all "
But he just carried on so i said to him, " im not being funny but stop driving like such a dick "
At this he said " i wanna get another pick up done before i finish in 10mins "
Now for me that was it i lost it big time and had a right go at him.
Anyway the taxi was half the price it usually is but when me and my cousin got out we didnt even get shance to shut the doors before he drove off! What a tit would have loved to have give him a kickin!
So has anyone else got any taxi stories even doing a runner etc??