LED's Really?
Firstly, just to clear this up, an LED tv is still an LCD panel, it's only LED backlit. Therefore it still has the same traits as any other LCD tv.
For example the motion handling of the LED tv can be poor in some instances; watching planet earth on blu-ray, very visible deterioration in the picture quality when the action on screen is fast moving. A visible halo effect around the fast moving objects on the screen can be seen as the LCD panel cannot react fast enough, very disappointing for what is usually a £700+ tv. Also, when it comes to light foreground images with a dark background(end credits for example), instead of the writing being white, it is distinctly grey. This is the same for all colours, not just black on white. Also SD viewing via freeview can be poor. The LED tv's are a clever marketing campaign, focusing on the darkest blacks with detriment to other attributes of the tv.
Looks good though.
IMHO, Samsung: jack of all trades, master of none!
Your decision should be based on what you actually use your tv for: be it high definition gaming and sport or just freeview (SD). If you use it for HD tv, action movies, football, xbox, ps3, then plasma is the way to go. There are several misconceptions about plasma tv's, almost all of which have no relevance to current plasma tv's. For example screen burn isn't an issue on a good quality plasma tv.
If your just looking for something for the bedroom that'll only be used for SD viewing then a LCD will suffice.
IMO something like a Panasonic G10 plasma will give you excellent motion handling, stunning HD picture aswell as having a much better SD picture quality, I would choose this over any LED(LCD) tv.
Whatever you choose, go and actually see it working. And I don't mean watching a store demo, get a blu-ray or HD tv working on it. Just ask the assistant they should be able to do this for you.