I get the 'goldfish' and 'jaw on the floor look' quite a bit - girl with sports coupe Was going thru leicester today and two guys in an Astra SRI at the lights shouted out 'go girl!!!', (so I did ) a fiat coupe driver couldnt stop smiling and gawping at me and supe at the shell garage later today....stunned admiring looks from friends at gym when I first showed them the car, everyone loves it, especially little kids, practically leave their eyes glued to it!
Funniest moment - about to leave shop one evening, guy about to come in gawping at the supra, then me then supra/me/supra. I glided past (he was still gawping), blipped the fob (he's still stopped mid stride, gawping) I get in, boot it up, look in rear view mirror - (he's still gawping) I roar off down the road....wonder if he's taken root their???
the attention is fun but I absolutely adore the supra and wouldnt give a stuff if no-one liked it. to me supras are b@ll@ck achingly gorgeous, awesome to drive and I never want any other car...