and to the forum! There's a search button on the menu bar which is very useful, it'll point you in the right direction.
to be honest, when it comes to power many turbo Supra's have been boosted on the bhp side as they've passed through various owners hands, bearing in mind some of them are 10 or more years old.
The auto box is excellent, the manual is rare but both are good.
As for tail out action.... whether your manual or auto, NA or turbo all that rwhp will get your wheels spinning and your bum fishtailing without much provocation, particularly in the wet Take it easy at first till you get used to the way it handles.
Enjoy your searching, lots of help and info from this lot, just shout
Whatever version you go for, you'll get yourself many hours of fun and miles of smiles, as long as your not fussy about fuel consumption