Today i had a yearly appraisal at work, which was all good.
I have only been a dept mamager for 6 months in retail but today they offered me Night Duty Manager,as our store going 24hr Currently i work 5 11 hr days new position would be 4 9-11hr nights a pay increase approx 4k,
The problem i have is
1. other half he works 6am - 7pm sometimes 7 days a week often away from home, when he,s home usually he in bed by 8pm up at 4.30/5 am.
2. he says we will see less of each other !!! and kicking up a stink.
Should i insist on furthering my prospects (this is why i started this job) or give in to him and be stuck in a day position just changing depts with no different responsibility
Kids are all off our hands almost, youngest just started work so thats not an issue.
Whos the selfish one me or him, what would you say to your other half