Hi all.
I seem to have a bit of a problem with my idle on meh car.
Basically ive fitted a walbro pump and a thor FCD this weekend, im yet to remove the FCD as a weakest link sorta thing but i thought i would ask for a little advice nevertheless.
Ive tried a search for idling problems, faulty FCD's etc have played a part but my problem has a unique twist, Read on.
From a cold start the car idles fine at just over 1.2k
Take the car for a run untill it gets upto operating temp (everythings fine no misfires, hesitiation, boosts correctly) and come to a standstill, again the car idles fine, at around 7-800 rpm
Now, turn the car off, and start again like 5 seconds later the idle is rough, lumpy and hunting from 4-500rpm to around 900rpm, When holding the revs at around 1.5k the exhaust note is lumpy and has a few little quiet booms. Drive the car for a few miles and again the idle is fine, then it loops again.
Any Ideas/Tips? or what to check first. (ICV? Plugs?)
Thanks In Advance.