Hi guys, Rising Sun Car Show is back for 2007. We are aiming to be bigger and better this year, but its not possible without your help!
The amount of club space we have availible it would be a shame not too see alll the supras we can there
A few details:
The Show is still in final organistion so details are limited so far.
Show Times
Gates Open Saturday 9.30am - 6pm (For general public)
Show Cars and Traders to be in the event and setup by Saturday no later than 7.30am. Traders are welcome from friday at 10am
Awards will be Presented on both Sasturday and Sunday for the following :-
Show & Shine
Best In Car Entertainment (ICE)
Best Modified Styling
Best Modified Performance
Best In Class
Best Club Stand and Area
Best of Show to be presented on Sunday
Wide range of traders and stuff for the kids
Camping areas availible (Watch this space)
Lots of club area availible.
Thanks Fellas would be great to see a lot more of you there