I used to be a valeter for around 2 years before i started my last job.
I would start with a nice wash and dry claying if needed
Mask up all the rubber areas and light gaps etc
Start with a nice 4" pad with some farcela G3 and work allover the car or if its a bit warm outside, a panel at a time.
Buff all that off, then i use another farcela product but the product number is gone from my memory atm. on another 4" pad
Take some nice cloths and buff off then start with a good quality polish then a nice carnuba wax.. Products i use vary but ive got mostly meguires stuff as its easy to get hold of.
After buffing i usually wash again to get rid of all the dust and spin off
Around £10 a hour, usually a 5-7 hr job?
On scratches just some form of tcut, g3 or wet sand if its really bad with some 1600
I always thought my methods were ok, am i missing something? (not a dig, genuinly requesting more tips if ive missed somthing)