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Everything posted by Ric

  1. it would be wrong i think to send such a big target with all his team around him facing increased thread because of harrys status, as that bloke said, hes not willing to put their familys through it, which is fair enough. I suppose there are valid arguments for and against tho
  2. Terminator V robocop is better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86ltDTU1R8A
  3. Dont forget a FCD, or you wont be going anywhere quickly
  4. *snif* Shit i think i need to clean that
  5. Ric


    it should be 23-24 next week, series end
  6. tree sap usually is clay to remove
  7. yeah photoshop cs2 you wanting a diffrent one? lol or you mean a diffrent adobe product
  8. got cs2 on a cd for u here martin although saying that, didnt i do you one before?
  9. I used to be a valeter for around 2 years before i started my last job. I would start with a nice wash and dry claying if needed Mask up all the rubber areas and light gaps etc Start with a nice 4" pad with some farcela G3 and work allover the car or if its a bit warm outside, a panel at a time. Buff all that off, then i use another farcela product but the product number is gone from my memory atm. on another 4" pad Take some nice cloths and buff off then start with a good quality polish then a nice carnuba wax.. Products i use vary but ive got mostly meguires stuff as its easy to get hold of. After buffing i usually wash again to get rid of all the dust and spin off Around £10 a hour, usually a 5-7 hr job? On scratches just some form of tcut, g3 or wet sand if its really bad with some 1600 I always thought my methods were ok, am i missing something? (not a dig, genuinly requesting more tips if ive missed somthing)
  10. how much? I do um for around 50 lol perhaps i should put up my price
  11. no no no no no no, Blue smoke is oil, white is coolant/water, black is fuel just correcting when people search this thread Edit, note to self read a full thread first :/
  12. CTRL + R brings up the rulars at the side. Then click the ruler, and drag inwards it will bring up a blue line, which you can position anywhere and it will snap onto the layer which is selected Edit, bah, im talking about photoshop, didnt see the paint shop pro bit
  13. our lights have the projector lenses tho (the circular part within the light) and not just a reflector thing, like the hi beam does so the patterns should be ok
  14. Was excellent this year, 1012 cars through the gates over the weekend very busy, shame the weather spoiled things this afternoon. Shame about the club turn out, just me and some other guy. Loads of members round this sorta area and you would have thought they would support a show what's trying to to get a hold on the show calender, Disappointing but im sure you have you're reasons. All in all a good basis to be even more popular next year
  15. yeah i possiblly could come
  16. i am, but only website and some other stuff, so its not essential that i have to go both days Was excellent this year, 1012 cars through the gates over the weekend very busy, shame the weather spoiled things this afternoon. Shame about the club turn out, just me and some other guy. Loads of members round this sorta area and you would have thought they would support a show what's trying to to get a hold on the show calender, Disappointing but im sure you have you're reasons. All in all a good basis to be even more popular next year
  17. Ric


    Nah, hes like a leach he sucks the powers from the other ones then keeps them a bit like sylar, but doesent have to kill them for it. You see in the ep where they are in the future, he has pretty much all the powers of everybody and it the latest one, hes adapting the flame dudes power
  18. Ric

    I like this

    what is it? Looks like a bigger 350z I know the badge says skyline, but its not? is it?
  19. mines not been too bad lately so ill do the last few months Fluidyne Rad and auto cooler £350 New break Pads £40 Exhaust Cheap BPU £300 New SMIC £250 Valve stem oil seals £90 It's cheap when you can fit all the stuff yerself
  20. Ric


    is that a tai boy?
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