Right fellas.
Ive just watched this film again as its one of my favorites but.
I don't actually have it on dvd so i watched it on one of those "on demand" sites and something just totally weirded me up.
The first version i watched of the film, the ending is that he goes back to before where he was born, and to right all the wrongs he made he strangles himself in the womb so hes dies in the womb.
The version ive just watched had a totally diffrent ending where when hes under the desk he goes back to the first time he meets kelly, and tells her, "if i ever see you again ill kill you etc" and when we wakes, everything is ok, everybodys lives are ok, but he doesent know kelly at all.
Has anybody else seen these 2 endings? and are they any more?!
Well weird, but put a even better ending on a already brilliant film