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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Ric

  1. that engine belongs to the MK3 supra my friend perhaps worth trying to sell them on the MK3 supra owners club
  2. fancy selling me the center caps
  3. Stock or Doluck Any others just look like maxxychav machines
  4. I dont see how a pair of 47k turbos could be described as Mint. but there you go perhaps Used, would have been a better explanation
  5. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.chsweb.net%2Fclients%2Fpenhurst%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 & http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.chsweb.net%2Fclients%2Fpenhurst%2F&warning=1&profile=css21&usermedium=all Probably Firefox is a LOT better at displaying correctly coded websites than IE, so really, its not working in IE rather than firefox
  6. i looked at this this weekend, Now i can see fixed down yes. But on my FMIC the brackets, the bar, eveything just didnt fit in place without hitting the pipes, fmic to some degree, so how the hell is the active spoiler fitted at all?
  7. Ric


    the producers have already said everything what happens in lost is scientifically "theoretically" possible lol.
  8. Ric


    i was about to anwser with Should have gone too I guess i should
  9. I'm assuming you know how to use google?
  10. You'd rather have doors you couldn't open if you rolled it?
  11. Boost controllers cannot lower boost only increase it, therefore you will still need a restrictor ring in place to keep boost below a safe 1.2 bar
  12. Ric


    Because desmond said if he didnt die, claire wouldnt be saved. Walts mum died mid season 1, hence why walt was put in the care of his father, Micheal
  13. The stock turbo's output is 0.8 bar the EGT is only seen at the hotside of the turbo, its the intake temps which the intercooler cools, so thats not the same Decats can be purchased from most traders on here, whiftbitz, envy ETC Please wait for sombody elses input though as i could be incorrect about some things
  14. i said shouldnt lol.
  15. you shouldnt "really" run higher than stock boost with both cats installed due to the resistance causing High exhaust gas temp's (EGT's) which can be damaging to the turbo. please sombody correct me if im incorrect First decat is a little better for 1bar sort of area but a 1.2 increase should have both cats removed
  16. Ric


    Doubt it, the coffin wasn't very "large" The drive to the funeral place was in a "black community" so could be right about micheal, but im still thinking Locke or Ben Yes end of season 3 was well after Jack spoke with Hurley, obviously this season is going to cover from when jack played ball with Hurley up to and maybe past when jack and kate was at the airport
  17. but how would u see it from the drivers seat??
  18. Ric


    I think the black smoke is one of the many red herrings in lost to keep people guessing and theorizing I dont think we will ever find out what it is or how it got there. But u never know
  19. They arnt even genuine toyota are they?
  20. Ric


    John Locke, or Jacob, Hmmm
  21. Ric


    Dharma Experiments * Life extension (Richard, Mikeal, Locke maybe) * Electromagnetism (Hatch, why the plane crashed) * Extra-terrestrial intelligence (Radio sounds from another time, place etc) * Mathematical forecasting (Lockes ability to tell its going rain?) * Cryogenics (not appeared yet) * Juxtapositional eugenics (is this like transportation or what?) * Psychic remote viewing (Walt, desmond)
  22. Ric


    its already been proved the island had healing properties, perhaps mikeal has taken to those quite extraordinarily Not to mention dharma experiments, whats to say they didn't experiment on the islands original inhabitants (the others) Hence the life regeneration experiments on richard as mentioned in the dharma videos
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