the viral marketing was good because it showed people where the monster came from, paired with other things in the movie which people might have missed
Slusho' (the company Rob was going to work for in japan) the secret ingredient within the drink was a compound which was found on the sea bed.. they hired a company to gather this compound (which was on the boats in the habour from the bridge shots, cant remember the name)
Also a company that Slusho used said on their website that they had lost a satellite out of orbit and it crashed into the sea just off Ellis Island (you can see the satellite hit the water from the footage of the fairground ride at the end)
This satellite woke the monster which has been laid dormant at the bottom of the sea for thousands of years, others say the actual mining of Slushos ingredient woke the monster
There is a lot more to the film than meets the eye, i loved it, as i did with the other marketing events such as lost etc, but i suppose the average film watcher doe sent goto these lengths to understand what they have just watched, therefore its not everybody's bag
Also the hidden message at the end of the credits that most people wouldnt have stayed to watch, gives speculation for a sequel or that Rob and his bird are still alive, the monster most certainly is
Sequels have been planned to cover the same night from another groups perspective and giving insight into what happened to other people etc, no doubt get some tasty things we missed last time also