Cheers Noz.
When i had the interior done the trimmer made me a matching gear gator.
I never knew how to finish this area of the interior. Do i use a Manual panel or a auto panel, do i trim the OEM knob or replace it?
So i tried a few things.
I tried first the Auto panel with the gator:
I didnt mind this, perhaps with a replacement gearknob it might look better...
So i tried the manual panel, this needed some prep and i also found the matching panel ring i've had in my parts bin for years.
The ring which attaches the gaitor was missing so i 3D printed a replacement
I wasn't happy with the fit of the gearknob i bought, it was moving around all over the place so i custom designed a sleeve/threaded part for the gear knob, this allows the gear knob to move up and down whilst keeping it central on the shaft.
Im happy with the result, im going to redesign the sleeve to include a collar for the gator to wrap around at the top to stop it sliding down.
What do you think? stick with the manual panel or use the Auto one with the gator and carbon knob?