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Everything posted by redsupraman82

  1. yeah i had to cut mine off with an angle grinder, although the sparks were going very near my fuel line! .....(Clench!) while its out mate, give it a nice clean up and check everything on your steering rack as if anything goes wrong with that e.g any leaks etc it will be a bitch to sort when the engine is in. what box you using with it??
  2. for future reference, no they should be ok as you have that dip in the front for speed humps, But......they are now sold! sorry!
  3. i got a pup last year and hes awsome!! hes half collie and half spaniel so mad as a box of frogs!! heres a little piccy! oh i will be getting the Mrs a laptop! so she can stop finding porn on mine!
  4. i like them but dont have the new album yet!
  5. it dont take long bud, i did it by myself good luck mate! its a doddle!
  6. as above, These are pretty much new! i had them on my supra and then i realised i couldnt get out of my drive so they came off again! they lower 25-30mm looking for £60 plus P&P Thanks
  7. Actually on a love of my supra note, when i got my aerotop i loved to drive it everywhere with the roof off (of Course) and taking peeps for rides out in it. however when i put my foot down.... My Mum: Totally hates it My Wife: Grips the 'jesus christ' handle till her nuckles turn white and really hates it! My Dad: keeps shouting SLOW DOWN SLOW DOWN! MY 86 year old nan, who needs a zimmerframe to get about: F**king Loves it! and keeps shouting FASTER FASTER FASTER!!!!! seeing the smile on her face as my 86yr old nan gets an adreniline rush from my supra...amazing!! i guest they just dont make them like they used to!
  8. I think you would be better off getting all the kit at once, then you can get it all blended in nice. if you do it bit by bit you could be just undoing work you have already done. I know its costly that way but it would cost you more in the long run mate doing it bit by bit.
  9. I had the same sort of story from B&Q i had just moved into my new flat, and went to B&Q to buy a cheap wardrobe and chest of draws (flatpack obviously) and i had a bit of an audience in the car park trying to get it in! well i did! and they couldnt belive it but then it continued, i got home and started putting it together and was struggling a little, so i bit the bullet and finally looked at the instructions....(as we all do) while putting the wardrobe together, i couldnt find the doors for it.....looked at the instructions again and it said 'remove doors from box 2 of 2' guess where box 2 of 2 was..... Yep still in the parking area lend up against another car! felt like a total TW&T!
  10. i have always used a company called novatech, it might be a little over your budget but there pc and laptops are awsome, plus you can get it made to your spec! i got my studio pc from there with a intel i5 processor and using 12 gig of ram, plus loads of other bits for little under 500 quid! to buy that in a shop its mega bucks!! the only problem is that they dont normally come with an OS but im sure you can find a copy of one of them from somewhere.... worth a look http://www.novatech.co.uk/?gclid=CL3h4PPP2qwCFYYPfAodCU11qQ hope it helps
  11. just need to spray up my new JDL front now!
  12. Thanks Josh, it felt amazing the first time i took it out, after the 'F**king Hell' remarks after getting her in 2nd and giving it a bit, it was a nice feeling thinking......i did this!
  13. well as some of you know, i have been doing a N/A auto to a TT 5sp Manual swap. all by myself! im by any means not a mechanic but keep a logical approch to things and a lot of reaserch and help from here. i always wanted an aerotop and got her for a song! ( the guy really didnt know what he had) and it was begging for the conversion! so i hope this inspires anyone thinking about attempting it to just do it! it actually was not that hard, although installing the clutch pedal was a bit of a bitch!! so here is a before and after shot, i will do a full write up at some point. Enjoy and thank you to all those that helped especially Ryan G!
  14. ignore me....i know it was in august im in dumbass mode tonight!
  15. when is it? or have i missed it? never been but want to go hopefully she will be ready very soon!
  16. ok silly question but thought i would ask, can you top up the oil via the hole for the reverse switch?? the oil plug does not want to move for love nor money!! im taking it will still go to the same place?
  17. Hello and Welcome! great club this tons of info im suprised no one has mentioned hovis yet? lol
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