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Everything posted by rovervi

  1. those look sweet pushed real far out towards the arch. Mine has 19's fit fine no rubbing etc
  2. well its not in his sh1t lol Anyone know if these can be bought new? nic?
  3. a lot more involved I cant find the LED's i need that are above the buttons I also need one of the original bulb holders i am very stuck lol
  4. Yes guys he 'helps' all the time lol, cant get it out of his sh17 as it will definately be chewed into pieces. This is the part i am after the holder like this Hope someone can help
  5. dont know i killed my Dimma a while ago lol
  6. after all the talk of blue LED's in the dash i decided to do it, after a lot of fuck ups it was done and all working i just needed to put the back on the last bulb to hold the wires in place on board. Hmmm but where is it, oh yeh thats where it is IN MY STUPID DOGS STOMACH After the problems i have had doing it i have contemplated ripping him open and getting it out but the missus wont let me. So does anyone know where i can get hold of these bulb holders or if i will be able to get hold of these at all (the ones on the back of the heater controls) Thanks
  7. The supra does have a dimmer switch ???
  8. Carbon angel broke his, so i am still looking hope someone can help
  9. hate seeing this, crying shame mate
  10. you can come do mine as well if ya like lol
  11. I wouldnt know mate, but perhaps the new set you have got are gapped 'better' for your machine
  12. Thanks for answering all my stupid questions and thanks for the pictures
  13. so these parts dont have the blue backing but have the original colour backin (i.e. red orange green)?
  14. Think he was just saying you can get them refurbed for £100, not that he was selling them for £100 could be wrong though
  15. Nice one Sheefa, anyone else got any ideas or an opinion
  16. Look wicked mate, how come the red still shines red even with blue leds?
  17. lol, twisting dimmer switch that dims the dash lights
  18. Hi All How much is the twisty dimmer thing worth. I need one and a kind gent has offered me one but we dont really know how much they are worth. Can anyone help Cheers
  19. what happens with the different colour bits ie kph if you have blue leds behind them do they look okay?
  20. which blue did you choose?
  21. Wicked, so you chose blue backing with blue LED's are they nice and bright, thanks as well will look forward to pics
  22. I am looking at buying these Supra MKIV Facelift Auto 180mph http://www.metal-monkey.co.uk/acatalog/supra_MKIV_Face_Auto.jpg Before i call and make myself sound like a total tit can anyone who has bought give a little advice. Is it best to have Blue backing with White LED's or is it better to have White backing with Blue LED's or better still maybe blue backing with blue LED If anyone has any pics of what they have that would be nice as well Cheers Guys and Gals
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