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Everything posted by rovervi

  1. This will be available after i have taken it off the car in a couple of weeks. Pics of the bonnett are in my garage, could do with a respray i reckon, would anyone be interested? Collection only due to size (and it would probably get damaged in transit) Cheers PS forgot to mention you can see pics of it in my garage they were only taken a couple of weeks ago
  2. How do you get the little crappers off, i have popped the front off one using the hole in the underside of the bonnet but the back wont come out any tips guys and gals Have tried credit card etc but they wont go
  3. Could have been mate shiny lip on dish wheels, shiny exhaust and no skirts, sounds awesome with the none standard exhaust mate. Wasnt in the Supra unfortunately was in the missus dark blue mini with white bonnet stripes fancy alloys and spots on the front, tried to get up along side you while you where in traffic but just as we got about level you turned off up huntbach street lol (think thats the name of the street) Probably a good thing not to have me shouting 'hey supra guy' pmsl
  4. rovervi

    Can it drift

    didnt some n/a's have LSD?
  5. Going around Hanley one way yesterday, Nice wheels big shiny exhaust
  6. rovervi

    insurance help

    Bondlovis are supposed to insure modified cars, 02084781812 but not sure what kind of service they offer or how they are on price i saw the number in a magazine, maybe worth a go though.
  7. rovervi


    Cheers Martin they are quite bling, mine currently sound like a mouse party so i think its time to change them
  8. rovervi


    Good morning to all These any good for an N/A http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/LIGHT-WEIGHT-PULLEY-FOR-TOYOTA-SUPRA-JZA80-TURBO93-98_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ38656QQitemZ190093652618QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Or any good.
  9. rovervi

    Car pics

    Mines got that crazy foglight placement too, nothing wrong with N/A
  10. Whats a good price? I can get one for £430 is that decent?
  11. could someone tell me if the nur spec for the supra is the same as the one for the TT or are they different Also how hard is it to fit cat back system does it go straight replacement
  12. Live for my amp, i would be happy to just get the old stock amp working again but i dont know how to get that going again Cheers Pete
  13. Hi Just a quick question, whats the easiest place to get a cable from the engine bay through to the inside of the car. Thanks Pete
  14. whats it supposed to look like?
  15. What i did was take it off pop the rubber off the top of the bearing wash out with wd 40 getting all the lube out, repack with high temp bearing lube put back together back on no more nois
  16. rovervi


    Fuses you need to check are in the drivers footwell on the right
  17. rovervi

    Car Tax

    Think its about £200
  18. Are we getting some pics ?
  19. Any Pics? will this fit on an N/a £50
  20. I am insured fully comp on my supe which makes me insured 3rd party on any other car i drive, can you not drive it on that?
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