1461 -
Everything posted by PJ
I have to say that this thread has had a lot more attention/replies than I thought that it would, and I sincerely thank all the well wishers. Some of the comments have made me feel better about what I am doing and make it worthwhile. This is actually something that is just coming to the UK as it goes, something I've been contemplating as have had some slight experience of this. A few years ago I took my son to Lindos for boys holiday, just me and him (he was only 4 at the time so not exactly a raucus affair!). I took him to a little bay just down from the appartment on a daily basis and took him into the sea with a rubber ring, he loved it, though for me just stripping off on a beach was a big thing, he was oblivious to all the sly looks of disgust, the pointing, the giggling and general looks of horror that I was drawing being in only shorts. Confidence knocks FTMFW! My son got right freaked out as all the small fish in the bay would attack my legs and really go at the skin whenever I went in the water. It did clear off a lot of the dead skin but was very painful, but then with the coverage that I have going for a dip in salt water is an intense experience to say the least, you've heard the term 'Rubbing salt in the wounds'. Little did my son know that every minute I spent in the water was excruciating pain, but hey, it was worth it just to see his enjoyment, he loved every minute of it. Anyway, I've updated the blog with some pictures as of today as a pre-treatment snapshot as it were. It's on the front page in case anyone has a morbid fascination in seeing my fat rotting corpse
It'll be fine, I've heard that now the Chilian Miners have been rescued, one of their first PR tasks is to visit Roy Hodgson at Anfield to advise him how to get out of a f*cking big hole before Christmas.
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d.html/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/278-9288344-8655248?a=1421658488 Maybe just start with a calendar for Xmas and work your way up from there?
When I was first hit I had it all over my face and it was a bloody nightmare. I've got it in my ears (total PITA is an understatement), my scalp is covered, I've got major body coverage going on (circa 60% IIRC). I used to cover up as much of it as I could, but I've given up with that now so always wear short sleeves as a matter of principal these days, screw them, let them stare all that they want. I've stuck some pictures up on my site here http://paul-jeffrey.com/?page_id=11 They're not particularly flattering, but screw it too. I've done all the coaltar stuff, it's horrid, get them to move you on to Dovabet if you've not already tried that, it's pretty good, it's a topical steroid. Also worth getting hold of some tubs of Epiderm, you can use that stuff as soap, in the bath, as a moisturiser, it's pretty good. Light is fantastic for it, see if you can get yourself referred to the PUVA clinic at the hospital, it will clear you up and make everything a lot more managable. To get on to the stuff I'm on now you've got to have gone through all the alternatives that they give you at Dermatology at the hospital.
Thanks for the comments. I thought I'd post it up as you'd be surprised how many people this affects and how many people are ignorant to it. Yeah, I've done all the light therapy treatments over the years and it gives a brief reprive, but it's only a short term solution and it's not a treatment you can repeat often or stay on for a long time due to the other risks involved. I'm not sure how this is going to be work out, but fingers crossed it will do the business. My skin is so painful at the moment that I've not been to the gym in 4 or 5 months now as I was finding training and the after effects unbearable, splitting skin, weeping sores and the like. I've now piled on the weight as well just to really finish me off. I was supposed to be doing the Great South run next weekend, but I've had to drop out of that as well because of how bad it's been. It's very frustrating to say the least!
Psoriasis, what’s it all about then? This is a bit of a personal post, but I thought I'd share as I've started a blog all about this and how it's affecting me and how my new treatment is going, this is an extract from there. Well let me start by saying that it’s a complete pain in the arse, a total drain on you, your lifestyle, your confidence, your self esteem, it’s one of the worst things that I have ever encountered in my life, yet it is seemingly ‘harmless’. Now for the science! Nice eh. Well I’ve been a sufferer since 1995. I had a pretty serious car crash, something that has ended up being a life changing event. In the short term I was gutted about writing off my car and all the hassle that went with it, boy did I not know what was going to hit me from then on. 15 years on it’s still here and boy does it have a vengeance! In all those years since the crash there has been little reprive, it’s been a constant heartbreaking, soul destroying battle. The emmotional strength it has taken to get through this and get on with my life has been something that quite a few can relate to. After years of being poked, prodded, stared at, pointed at, laughed at, there could well be an end in sight. I’ve had numerous treatments, dranks all sorts of lotions and potions, had needles jabbed in every inch of my body, gone through weekly blood tests, taken hardcore drugs like Methotrexate, Ciclosporin, Acitretin to name just a few. All of these had nasty side effects on me and generally made me feel like ****, but they did have the effect of clearing my psoriasis, albeit for only a short amount of time, it always came back with a vengeance. Well, now, finally, I’ve managed to get onto a course of biologic drugs, I’m just about to start on a drug called Adalimumab, more commonly known as Humira. Fingers crossed this will be the start of something special. I get the drugs delivered in the middle of October, I just have a few shots to take first (flu jabs and the like) and a blood test before I get the OK to crack on with these. These, unlike everything else I’ve had so far, have to be injected! I get to inject myself every fortnight, won’t that be fun. I’ll try and document my thoughts and progress on this drug, one that is reportedly a ‘wonder drug’ for psoriasis sufferers. For me only time will tell…. Anyway, this is my blog if anyone is interested, as I know it affects quite a few people. http://paul-jeffrey.com
I'd swap mine for an Aristo, oh wait, I did that already due to the family not being all able to fit in an aerotop! Love the 2JZ-GTE.
The missus has this on and I suppose, quite thankfully, the backing music drowns most of them out.
Meh, he's French, what you going to do I'm completely with you on the rear arches as well, after going to the lengths that they've gone they could have shortened it to fit properly. Still, it's out there as a one of a kind!
Peugeot 205 build thread Aristo engine into a Suzuki Samurai Aristo powered Volvo 960 - single turbod There's a few to be getting on with, there are a few more interesting installations of the Aristo lump in various vehicles, s2000, BMW's etc etc
Time to update that sig again then
This is all getting a little for a beard related thread!
Got mine fitted up today :thumbup:
I should be along to this in the Aristo.
"They call me Mr Cuddles, pathetic humans, little do they know my real name is 'Zorg, Destroyer of Buffets'. I will have my revenge for this hat and feeble cookie, oh yes, they will pay!!!111!!"
This is what you're after, so gay it's cool K6sZg3iL5EY Hmmm, now would that work on the back of the mad max car
Just got in from work and got mine, thanks chaps I'll get it fitted tomorrow in the daylight and get a picture up
Perhaps he was dazzled by the gash gold lexarse badge and then lost control!!
I'll probably be heading down to this one, it's always nice to have a nosey around, depending on the weather
Hahaha, I went that way myself, A24 - A27 - ended up driving up past Goodwood and around the back of Chichester to avoid the diversion through Chichester centre. Was stuck for a good long while, so much for leaving early to appease the missus!!
h-Lki3mFarg Not very good I'm afraid, wrong orientation on my bloody phone, but it will have to do until someone loads up something else.