The ONLY reason I never got a TT was because of insurance costs AT THE TIME....I always wanted the turbo
The Na is a great car....great engine, smooth power....and yeah it is fast...I love my na to bits..
Ill be really hounest and realistic...
In the na expect the Clio sports, ford st, civic type r's etc etc to easily keep up with you and sometimes beat you...
IN a TT you can really be playing with the big guns (ferrari lambos etc)..and beating them
however like I said the na is an amazing car...its engine is great, and is level with most 3.0l cars like the BMW 330c, a few jags etc...You will and can have alot of fun i nthe supra, but it will never WOW you like a TT
Its down to you want POWER or SUPER POWER?