Hi I will be upgrading my NA to a turbo system soon and wanted to know what its like to drive a turbo, in terms of when the turbo lag will be like.
When the turbo is added to the na, will the initial acceleration before the turbo starts spinning be the SAME as a Non turbo supra or will it be slower/faster. I was just wondering, because I have driven a 18.turbo golf engine and before the turbo kicks in its as slow as a micra, which is quite confusing considering its a 1.8...I thought even without the turbo you would get the power of a 1.8.
Basically what im saying the 3.0liter supra engine 230bhp, when adding a turbo will it be 230bhp PLUS the TURBO, or will it be tuned to be embedded to the 230BHP so that you get a set power surge throughout the rev range.
U see what i mean...sorry if havnt explained it properly..I just want to know about the turbo lag, if before the turbo starts spinning, its as fast as an NA id be happy