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Everything posted by boombastictiger

  1. dnt mean 2 hijack u have inspired me... I want to spray and fit my front bumper now... the Bumper is primered, think it might need 1 more coat though...before anything need some explanations... Base coat? Misty Coat? mist of clear coat? Heavier coat? Wet coat? Ok now what is the differece between these coats, and what paint is required?, the toyota paint from halfords??....do you use a spary can or do you have to buy something special...
  2. Full story of how the wing mirror was broke is here http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=136888 it has snapped off, and is being held by the wires....There is a plastic tube that comes from the car and goes into the wing mirror and looks as if it holds it in place, that has been broken in 2 places and cannot be fixed..... The folding mechanism does not work, and seems to have a fault with it now, as when i switch the iginition on there is a continues buzzing sound comming from it as if it is trying to fold/unfold, I have had to open up the wing mirror and disconnect a wire from its motor to stop this buzzin sound. I had a go at glueing the plastic joint on with some strong glue but no luck, its broken in such a way, 1 part of the broken tube is right inside the wing mirror and the other at the joint to the door..., I am no expert on supra wing mirrors and I dont know what will need to be changed as I dont know what exactly is connected to what and how...but this is what it looks like so far: *Black Wing Mirror (including folding mechanism and heated/electrical mirror) *The wire that connects the wing mirror to the door. *The tube that holds it on the door, (the thing that has snapped) I dont know if i will need anything else..but if anyone has these parts or can get them holla at me asap (all the duct and masking tape is getting a bit wet with the weather).......If nothing comes up i will wait the 4-5 weeks and go through nic... Thanks
  3. bump bump the pair which were for sale have been sold
  4. 1. AndyT 2. superpaulwilson 3. Glosphil 4. Dash Rendar (in black) 5. dannypunto 6. shamelesstt (in black please) can i collect mine? (Im west mids too) 7. Sandy-m2 (in black please) 8. Multics (in black please) 9. Scotster (In black please) 10. Supranature 11. bignum, can i collect mine 12. supra_aero (in black please) 13. Boombastictiger (in black please)
  5. I see what your saying, but, its the fact that alot of people have been affected, and the law was passed without the government really looking into it properly. No one is trying to be above the law, its just that to be hounest it kind of hurt, forget the smoking part, its the socialising thing aswell...im 23 at uni, i go clubbing here n there gets boring after a while, but shisha was different, and people who used to go there experienced what im going on about aswell, its was the atmosphere and the place to chill and relax, without having alcohol around or over loud music...the shisha brought it all together, you share a shisha with some friends, pass it round, its not the same over a cup of tea lol.... I hope they bring out a new law for private venues and shisha cafes, at the end of the day no one can complain because they have the choice to go in there or not...
  6. slow down lol, i was testing the quote thing..
  7. Pointless even paying attention to what your saying, do you even know what a shisha looks like? Smells like? u probs dont care and are joining in the discussion for the sake of arguing.....what an idiot..
  8. Its thier chice to work there....Its a SHISHA CAFE....i never used to complain about it when i was working at the club, but it was something i noticed and accepted because everyone was doing it.... but look i dont get it, are people dumb, its a SHISHA cafe for the 100000000th time, dont you understand....a shisha cafe is going to sell shisha, smoke, without the smoke no no business, no business no job, its the persons choice to work there...
  9. I aint gonna loose my cool on this when people like you be tryna provoke... Yea pubs sell food, but its main reason is for the alcohol RIGHT???? ..Well the main reason for a shisha cafe is the shisha....WHAT are shisha cafes called shisha Cafes for? Yea they sell food, but thats to accompany you while you smoke..., they dont really make much money from the food, thats why so many of them have gone out of business... Yea cant go out everynight and chill and sit down for a few hours just over a coke, well maybe some people can but thats personal choice....and if you think about it, its a stupid what your suggesting... If I went into a pub to get some food, but didnt feel like having alcohol around me or people smelling of it, wouldnt i feel like and idiot and fool and stupid if I complained about it as after all it is a PUB.......same things goes with a shisha cafe and your example... You clearly dont understand how a shisha cafe works, ok your from up north, maybe things are different there, but in london hundreds of shisha cafes have gone out of business because the MAIN 98% reason to go there was for the shisha, the food they served mainly was just small snacks to accompany it, or make it seem a little bit more upmarket than its competition... Shisha cafes are not public places in the sense that you have people in there for all types of reason...the main reason is shisha, yea you have food served there and drink, you can buy it seperatly, but thats to accompany you while you smoke....no one really goes in there just to buy a drink, because its not a newsagent... Its like a vegetarian walking into a kebab shop to buy a drink, and then walking out complaining about the meat,they would be stupid because it was THIER CHOICE to go in no one made them,
  10. see thats what you call commen sense " i dont no much about it so its not my place" Alot of people are commenting about it on here without even understanding what it is...I used to work in a a club, (Oceana kingston) a few years ago and i used to come home drenched in smoke, and i didnt even smoke...public places such as clubs, pubs etc i agree smoking ban should be enforced its much better,, But a shisha cafe is purely a cafe to smoke shisha, and its not as if its 1 or 2 cafes, thers hundreds, atleast 30-40 down edgware road alone...Now most have gone out of business...
  11. I dont get what is wrong with these idiots....people who go to shisha cafes are mixed, yea the majority are of asian/arab/black origin, but there are plenty of white people aswell, and religion has nothing to do with it customers are Muslim christian hindu u name they go there..., i am good friends with owners of 3 of what were the best places to smoke shisha in london, and thier customers were totally mixed.....once or twice a week you would have belly dancers come in you regularly see your friends in a non hostile environment... only 1 of them places survive at the moment but dont think for long... ALot of the cafes have thier loyal customers that make up the majority, just like you have in pubs... I think moderators should start editing posts and getting people to cut religion out of it...Does the pub have something to do with christianity? yea theres always gonna be people who bring religion into it muslim or not, but its wrong.. i think everyone with a brain can see its clear that its a tradition and cultural issue not religious... The issue is based for the people living in england who actually smoke it and are affected by it...Theres always gonna be them clowns who discriminate people by the colour of their skin and the building they go to pray in, but they should be dealt with...Smoking ciggs affects almost everyone as smoke gets blown in thier face etc at clubs pubs wherever, so anyone can comment...shisha only affects people who smoke it, no one else around in clubs or places... So if people dont understand why others who smoke shisha are upset, yet have never smoked it themselves, they should not really comment...
  12. Thats a touchy subject..... When the smoking ban came in they effectively cut a huge part of my social life out.. PEOPLE ONLY GO TO SHISHA CAFES TO SMOKE SHISHA..., thats what alot of people on here dont understand and most of people in general. Its like going to a pub, the main thing is the drinks and the atmosphere.. Shisha cafes are the same thing, the main thing is the shisha its an alternative to drinking and clubbin, you can sit back and chill, and as a shisha pipe can last a few hours it helps pass time... I used to go edgware road nearly every night in holidays and chill with my friends. You dont get drunk people falling about and starting fights, and the music isnt so loud as so that you cant hear what people are saying. You can just chill sit back etc....The shisha helps pass the time... So many idiots keep comming out saying that why do people keep complaining about it, a ban is a ban...well its ok for some, but imagine they decided to close pubs because they felt that drunken disorders affect the other sobre people inside.....similar principle...You DONT go into a shisha cafe unless you want to smoke shisha.., simple as....its like me walking into a pub and then complaining that people are drinking...its stupid and would make me look like and idiot... 2 of my good friends have lost thier businesses because of the ban...the government and people in general dont realise that people go to smoke shisha and not for anything else, the drinks and food they get are just extra.... I can understand if it was a restaurant or something who were selling shisha, thats fair enough...but a SHISHA cafe only sells shisha, so dont go in unless you want to smoke otherwise it aint for you... So many shisha cafes have closed now, because no one is gonna smoke outside in this weather...but they have really reduced alot of peoples social lives....theres nothing else to do that can compete on a social level....alot of the people who go to shisha cafes dont drink, so your not gonna find them in bars or pubs...and theres only so much clubbing you can do.....shisha clubs were open until all hours of the morning...thats pretty much all gone..
  13. Hmm well to be hounest i guess I was pushing it a bit, but basically do u know where the falling telephone boxes are, near Oceana, down that road....I parked my car there between about 10pm - 2.30am...Im guessing that smoe drunken people walked down the road after the club and broke it off....I had a gut feeling that something was wasnt right, then when i came to the car I saw it...but i mean its a residential road with parking spots and a few pizza shops about so i didnt think... I got a feeling im somehow gonna find who done it....Where abouts do u live?
  14. Some haters at night time last saturday have broken my wing mirror right off. I was so Pissed that why i havnt posted on here for help yet.. Out of all the places it was local in kingston upon thames that it happaned. I cant believe it, its the first time any damage has been done to my car.. I have parked in much worse places in situation where it could have been damaged in london, central all over the place at all times, but never have i had anything happan to my car....but out of all the places in kingston!!! If i ever find who done it, u will most likely see me and them in the paper the next morning...If it was a car that hit it, fair enough i can understand, but the fact someone has kicked it or worse has made it personal!!! Whoever done it would of had to of kick it hard, as it was on the pavement side, so no way could it of been a car unless u can fit one through a 1 meter path... it has snapped off, and is being held by the wires....There is a plastic tube that comes from the car and goes into the wing mirror and looks as if it holds it in place, that has been broken in 2 places and cannot be fixed..... The folding mechanism is F****D, and seems to have a fault with it now, as when i switch the iginition on there is a buzzing sound comming from it as if it is trying to fold/unfold, I have had to open up the wing mirror and disconnect a wire from its motor to stop this. I had a go at glueing the plastic joint on with some strong glue but no luck, its broken in such a way, 1 part of the broken tube is right inside the wing mirror and the other at the joint to the door..., Im having to think that I have to change the WHOLE THING, the whole wing mirror, the tube that goes into the door and the wire loom thing aswell, have been quoted from toyota £200 for the lot .... Im devestated, if u look at posts this time last week i was looking to spend some ££ getting a new speaker system and fitting my new bumper and getting it sprayed now this has happaned and screwed everything up Do you know how hard it is going to be to change everything and does anyone know if I can pick up the parts cheaper? I have pics on my phone and will upload them later as im at work at the moment..
  15. £700 wheels and tyres £110 induction kit £300 interior mods (steering wheel etc) £150 exhaust £400 sound £200 new bumper All in all about 2g....disgusting amount of money considering i only have a na but my car is worth it...
  16. yea i see what your saying, i think martial arts are different for everyone in the way they see it...but i thniks its definatly a case of getting out there and trying different clubs and places until you find one where you are progressing and comftable in..
  17. im not sayin beat to pulp, but after a few sessions they take a good beating. It works alot, alot of thai boxers go through that regime and it does work, notice how much punishment kickboxers/thai boxers take from powerful kicks and punchs continuesly all over the body...the only way you can train for that is to actually take the punishment...obviously its controlled so no ones gonna get totally destroyed to a point where they walk away with broken ribs, but they do walk away in some pain..it sometimes gets you used to real life fightin situations such as defending yourself.. It depends on the person though...it really does, alot of people prefer to start off just from general cardio training n punchbag and work there way up....i personally prefered tougher sessions and it has greatly helped...but yea beginner classes are a good place to start if you have no experience..
  18. I personally think thats the best way....training to box and actually fighting are to totally different things, with me its better to get battered and fight my way out and build up respect..in thai boxing sometimes they will get people continuesly kicking you and punching as a workout!!, thats the whole point in a way as it gets your body used to taking the punishment..!! it all depends on you though, you should go and try them all out see which club and style you prefer.
  19. Oh man sorry i didnt see that part, theres loads of thai boxin n ju jitsu around london/surrey... Boxing is the one for getting in shape, its good to help you control your arms and punchs in a fight aswell... there must be a kickboxing or thaiboxing club around somewhere in your area..
  20. stabbings are very common around london, you just dont hear about it that much in the news, after clubs the amount of peolpe who get bottled and stabbed is unreal, last week my mate got stabbed and 1 bottled in a big beef, i hounestly dont think theres much they can do about it to be hounest...I dont think anyone just get stabs for no reason, theres always something behind it that people wont say or talk about
  21. thai boxing mixed with brazilian ju jitsu ...u will become a machine by the end of it..
  22. im a very aggressive driver, porches drivers (especially the boxters) think they own the road and can drive onto other lanes inbetween and cutting them off, you get this with alot of people in all cars...going in and out of lanes isnt to bad aslong as you dont cause the people behind you to break, you just go with the flow.....most people in thier sports cars tend to drive like donkeys but atleast they generally go with the flow, porches seem to be an exception to this....the peolpe behind the wheel cant drive, and they imagine thier in the fastest car i nthe world...
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