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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by boombastictiger

  1. Hi Ok, well I see more and more supras in my local dl club all the time I Have seen: RED M reg Purple N reg (there everyday) Black (not sure the reg) (standard alloys) Anyones here?
  2. Hi When I got my car a year ago i know it had been lowered and had a new front bumper put on it, however Im not sure what make the front bumper is if anything at all....It scrapes alot when going on unever roads or corners though... Could anyone help me as to find out what make my bumper is... Here are the pics so far, I will take more when it stops raining..
  3. My favorites are Pizza express ( magerita or however u spell it) and Frangos (rip off of nandos but nicers)...I find the chicken is more juicy as oppose to nandos dryness...Its a matter of taste really.... Subway is good for lunch breaks on Sundays...ft long Seafood and crab...
  4. They dont have a clutch? Educate me please...I didt know this...
  5. Hi My friend has a Audi a4, 2.4,,,,,,, He told me that Audi quoted him £1800 for the flywheel....Surely that cant be right as I was quoted £150 by my local toyota garage for my flywheel...and £300 extra to fit it... Can anyone comment on this...are there any places where he can get one cheaper?
  6. He said that the car revs high but doenst go any faster? So I thought maby the clutch could be slipping because that is what happened to me...Car was reving high but not going anywhere fast...got a new clutch fitted and now its ok....I wasnt sure if the clutch slipping symtoms are different...I guess I misunderstood.... Sorry Clarkey Im not and expert in differences between auto boxes and manuals like you...and i dont have a plank of wood shoved up my ass like you do either...
  7. Hi It is time for me to get some brake pads for the front of my car, just wanted to know if I got a good pair, such as CW, how much difference it would make to drivability? And would it eliminate the spongy feeling that I tend to get whilst driving? I have ready Motol brake fluid and goodridge brake lines for the next service as everyone recommended me to get...Has just come down to the decision on brake pads...... What difference would brake pads make to the drivability and performance? Nippon - OEM - CW? Will brake pads alone eliminate the spongy feeling, or is that down to the brake lines?
  8. It was not actually a puncture, apparently it was air getting out from between the rim or something...Im not sure myself but I think they would have told me if I needed a new tyre....When I first saw the flat tyre I thought it ws a puncture I took her for a drive, naturally I drove her like a swan in stream at first, then after I was like a vulture over a deserted carcus:eyebrows: , Went through a few tunnels for the sound...AHh the sound , I missed it so much, was getting fed up of the megane, my passion for driving is back again
  9. That is so true....Very very true...I cant wait to drive her again....15 mins till the official reunification:)
  10. although my car is a manual, if that makes any difference..
  11. Clutch, I had similar problems...and it turned out to be the clutch..Just got it changed
  12. Hey all Well I didnt tell anyone, but my clutch went 1 month and 2 days ago......I had not driven it for a whole month...the longest time since owning it over a year ago.. I had a problem where to get it fixed, as most people were telling me to get OEM parts, which traders on here quoted me at being £350, and some told me to get a rps...I thought I would give Toyota a call to see how much they would charge....and £750 straight away made me put the phone down..There is a Toyota authorised garage at the end of my road (700 meters), where I normally get little bits and bobs from, and I thought id give them a call to, just to see how much they would quote (thinking it would be the same as toyota), However they quoted me £250 for the clutch and £250 for fitting, there abouts....so around £500 in total, I was so happy, took it there straight away...and in doing so I found out I had a flat tyre , thought to myself here we go again..going to have to change 2 tyres now...but nope the guys sealed it up... I just got the car back, feels so much better like I had been missing alot of power...bites cleaner, feels smoother, ahhhh I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH... As a treat, im going to buy it a new vanilla magic tree, and make a new mp3 cd for it...then tommorow im going to clean it down and give it a good wash/wax/ whole pampering process... Just waiting for the traffic to die down at the moment, then going to take it out for a spin after the gym Thanks for all your help all those who helped me and that..I really have to recommend TW HAWKINS, at the top of Ruxley lane, opposite Epsom and Ewell High School....Great Guys..
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=260058974459&rd=1 CHECK IT OUT>>....
  14. I once had a accident, some minicab driver hit me from behind at about 30mph......On my sup you could not even see the damage, the bumper never cracked or anything, the licence plate fell off and there were a few scratches, the impact bar was bent and needed replacing, but that was the only thing and you could not see it from outside.....the other car A 1996 HONDA ACCORD, was totally smashed from the front, grill, radiator, lights, bumper the lot....I was well happy and felt re assured in my supra...I have the pictures somewhere I will see if I can put them up...
  15. Hi Ok i posted somethnig up in the supra chat forum, Im after a Toyota JZA80 engine..Which is basically dead. As part of my course at uni my teachers and other technical staff recommended me to buy a engine and play about with it strip it down and rebuild it. I could also use it for project work etc etc.... I really want to get my hands on a JZA80 engine as it interests me so much more...I would measure cylinders, pistons compair to original manufacturers specs etc etc see how much they have been damaged etc etc. I dont intent to bring the engine back to life, I am really after a knacked engine, whether its been blown or what ever, aslong as all the parts are with it so I can actually practice taking parts off etc etc and putting it back..I have alreayd partly done this with smaller engines and stuff, so it would really would help me and be of interest. Any traders on here have any KO'ed engines that they want taking off thier hands? If your close to me I can pick it up myself, if not I haev been advised to have it palletted...
  16. Haha, I normally drive with 4 people in my car, excluding me the weight comes to about 250-300 kg, so I rekon it wont be to bad, ill drive like a slug,....It would be a risk though..I will try and hire a van maby, How can I get it palleted for £60
  17. Gaz you know any places around south london where you thnik I could pick one up
  18. its the old megane, a £500 run around lol, if I put a towel down and plug the holes it shoulnt be to bad, I have some of that blue plastic stuff I can put down aswell, I have loadsssss of foam and bubble wrap in the shed that i kept and always wanted to use, I knew it would come in useful one day!!!
  19. Very interesting!!!!!! You think it could work on a supra?
  20. So now I have to choose, waiting 1 month for a bargain on a OEM clutch, OR paying £350, or paying £250 for an "uprated" rps clutch that all the traders seemed to recommend..
  21. I should be able to get that in the back of my lil run around megane..
  22. You can really do a clutch for similar money ? I called around loads of traders on here and they all said about 320+ for a OEM clutch:( I cant drive my car, havnt been able to for 3 weeks today the clutch is slipping , do you think the £160 clutch is really that bad?, I mean would it really break after 3 days?
  23. Whats the imported frmo japan price hehe
  24. I dont want a working supra engine, just something I can take apart and try and put together...I have dismantelled a smaller engine before and put it back together It will be good is say some of the cylinders are damaged and pistons, becaus then I can do some project work on them measuring them and comparing to original manufacturers specs etc....But yeah the whole engine...Do any of you guys rekon a scrap year will have any?
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