MATE HOUNESTLY, for £300 you can live like a real KING. No joke, £1 has the value of £100. KFC Family MEGAMEAL delivered to your door 24/7 emmm 20p, yes 20p
* To avoid gettiong ripped off try and pick up the local lingo early on so you know what there saying.
* NEGOTIATE, those egyptians will accept anything, they will see your a tourist and try and rip you off, but dont have any of it. Try and act like you know what your doing and you know what you want, you tell them a price dont let them tell you, eventually they will accept.
*You HAVE to be firm when talking & walking around, otherwise you will be dragged into shops and almost forced to buy stuff by very persuasive people. Watch out for the papyrus shops, they once chanced my friends half way down a neighbourhood.
* ALWAYS drink bottled water, have plenty of it and keep yourself hydrated.
* Try not to take out all your cash with you all the time, as if one egyptian sees it.....ITS all over, all the shopkeepers will be around u like a flys on ****